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Technical 1959 Caddy tail lights in my '39 Ford coupe ideas needed

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by birdman1, May 30, 2014.

  1. Yep... YOUR car and you have to decide on what looks good to YOU. However, I was really glad that a buddy of mine talked me out of using the '59 Caddy taillights on my 49 Dodge truck. He simply told me that he was shocked that I didn't "keep your Mopar ALL Mopar!" and I had to agree!

    I later found some '61 Plymouth taillights and some '62 Plymouth reverse lights and like it a LOT more.

    If you still happen to be taking votes, mine is that the Ford does seem too "curvy" to use the pointy 59 Caddy's lights, and it seems like a LOT of people are using/have used them. Cheers though!!! At least you're getting time to actually work on your car!

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  2. CadMad
    Joined: Oct 20, 2012
    Posts: 876


    Remember when you broke up with your girlfriend and then your mates all said "mate! what were you thinking?? that girl was sooooo ugly....."
    . . . and you wondered why none of your mates said something sooner !
  3. I wouldn't use them but I had to I would incorporate them into the bumper guards
  4. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    the way i remember it, back in the good old days, (50's&60's) most everyone did do it differently. Nowadays it is follow the leader, nose to tail. i really do not care if some one approves of my cars or not, they are not cookie cutters, they are what I like. so there!!!
  5. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    I actually did find a pair of 1939 ford standard bumpers that I bought. so it will get bumpers, front and rear. i will probably shorten the mounts to get the bumper closer to the body.
  6. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    I am going to set the lights deeper into the recess also.
  7. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    i been wanting to build a 39 or 40 Ford coupe for 55 years, always too broke and too busy raising 7 kids. so here goes!
  8. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    7 kids????? God Bless you.
  9. mike bowling
    Joined: Jan 1, 2013
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    mike bowling

    I saw some Caddy lights today on a car similar to yours fender-wise.They were recessed into the sides of the rear fenders so the outside of the light lined up with the curve of the rear fender. Not my cup of tea, but neatly done and looked pretty damned good.Your car, your choice ( and you can always change them to make everyone else happy) ? "Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes" Good luck with it-get the kids to help and you'll be done in no time! Mike from Mass.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2014
  10. cuzncletus
    Joined: Dec 1, 2006
    Posts: 86


  11. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
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    Okie Pete

    My suggestion is there are no rules , its yours build it like you want . I would like to see a radius at the top and bottom so it fits the shape of the lights . I like the fact that you have mounted them to follow the shape of the fender .
  12. Very well said. Same old, same old.
  13. 40fordtudor
    Joined: Jan 3, 2010
    Posts: 2,503


    I remember buying 4 59 Caddy t/lites for my 51 Ford custom---talked myself out of it. Just didn't fit.
  14. If it were me building a custom '39 coupe.. and HAD to get rid of the stock lights.. i'd shave them off, and put the lights into the rear over riders (or bumper guards as you blokes call em). Looks soooo much cleaner.

    Imo, '59 caddy lights look shithouse.
  15. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    i agree with 28A, the stock fender on the right of my car has NO tail lite. very smooth and clean looking. If I did that with the drivers side too, then maybe a recessed pair of tail lites, with a louver or mesh screen over them?? (in the tail pan)
  16. Gambino_Kustoms
    Joined: Oct 14, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor

    if you were gona do it u should have frenched them with round buckets, and every body mounts them like you are there ment to be mounted were the fins start not flat by the base . you could have made new buckets out of exhaust tubing , then cut a round hole in your fender
  17. Gambino_Kustoms
    Joined: Oct 14, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor

    this how it realy should be done
  18. You know, they make plastic fenders for these cars. Why don't you do these mods to a pair of Tupperware fenders and save the real Ford ones for when you decide that Henry had it just about perfect before you changed it?
  19. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    I finally got the tubing for the caddy tail lite frenching. I think it is 3 1/2" diameter. Much cheaper than Speedway Motors $50.00! I want some opinions which way to go with the depth of the tail lites. I have enclosed some pictures both ways. Thanks and please, don't tell me to put the stock '39 tail lites back in!!LOL 020.JPG 022.JPG 023.JPG 024.JPG 025.JPG 026.JPG 027.JPG 028.JPG
  20. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,070


    I know you don't want to hear it, BUT,
    The Caddy lights ruin the rear appearance of the car.
    Too gaudy.
    If you don't like the 39 Ford tailights install 1940 lights or these.
    Joined: Apr 11, 2007
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    from Ojai,Ca

    It’s your car, do what you want. Never mind if it is tacky to others.
  22. TonyVan
    Joined: Oct 15, 2008
    Posts: 120

    from Vancouver

    I'm generally in the '59s are overplayed camp' but set in like they are in the 3rd pic so that the chrome cage is hidden, they actually look ok to me. A lot will depend on the rest of the car when it's closer to complete. If they don't work, at least removing them is easier than adding them.
  23. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,070


    Oh no! Your Ford is one of the best classics that Henry ever built.
    59 Caddy tail lights look best on a '59 Caddy - unless you want your car to look like something from outer space.
  24. Well looks like you are using them so no sense in telling you different. Id go with the most deeply inset version.
  25. scampy72
    Joined: Apr 29, 2011
    Posts: 16


    i like the look of them really deep. too far out kinda looks unfinished in my opinion. i personally like the look of the caddy light btw
  26. birdman1
    Joined: Dec 6, 2012
    Posts: 1,593


    I am sure their are those of you who would say keep the stock tail lites, junk(I was raised on flatheads) stock flathead motor, junk stock transmission, junk 6 volt system, I can go on and on. I had a '51 Merc coupe, a '53 Ford mainline busnes coupe. I put the Merc motor in the "53 Ford. It would do all of 115 MPH in top gear downhill. If you want stock, go to theat god-damnd Ford Barn with those other ass holes
  27. Martin Harris
    Joined: Aug 3, 2014
    Posts: 328

    Martin Harris

    Keep the Caddy taillights! I know they're used a lot...but..that's because they look so good!
  28. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    Hell, I already had some so I used them on my Blue GMC, Even though it was already a cliche over two decades ago. BluetruckGMC40taillight1227.JPG truck, done before the internet and HAMB even existed! ;)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  29. AlkyWagon
    Joined: Aug 13, 2014
    Posts: 99


    4th picture in post 49 looks best IMO.
  30. 'Mo
    Joined: Sep 26, 2007
    Posts: 7,432


    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014

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