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VAPHEAD is a jerkhead,or "excuses inc."

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by VAPHEAD, Mar 29, 2010.

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    Joined: May 13, 2002
    Posts: 3,257


    Ahh, ever have one of those weeks?
    It's been one of those again and again.Started with a killer flu.
    Never before have I missed 9 days of work in a row in my entire life.
    Then it was a few half days ....brutal

    Had my wife answering the phones when she could.
    (she really doesn't like to do it)
    Taking notes,that I would later forget to call back...
    or reason it was too long ago....

    Started to get back in the groove,
    and then my partner in the frame biz had his mom pass away..
    And our little biz just didn't matter much.
    We're back at it,and pushing steel. Maybe a few less hours then before.

    Don't even get me going on the emails..(154 in the inbox!!)

    I normally love dealing with parts and projects.Making schtuff happen!
    Really get a kick out of helping a HAMB'r get a car built.
    Very cool being involved in so many peoples cars,their hobby and passion.

    Now out of the blue,Lori's mom is in the hospital.
    (just realized I've known Carol for over 25 years !)

    Had to do a quick one way plane flight so she could be with her folks
    Not sure yet what we will be doing... (thinking the Round Up trip is cancelled)
    And it's spring break ! Hey the kids don't have school all next week.
    So I'll be watching them.( watching them is easy) and working? not so much.

    I guess I just wanted somebody to know,that I do care about customer service.
    But right now,I just don't have the focus I would normally have.
    I need to focus on my family.I will be back on my game.It may be a few weeks.
    (couple guys on here waiting on parts I!?)
    Catching me on the phone will be hit and miss..(PM's best for y'all)

    I have some really cool stuff to share when I get caught up.

    And I quit smoking..ohh yeah.ugh. Thanks for listening (reading).
    No charge for the wine and cheese.
  2. I saw the title and was like " man that sucks, I was going to order some stuff from him." then I noticed you were the poster. sorry you're sick man and family stuff. I hope things get better for you soon . I'll give you a week or two or three before I call and ask all sorts of stupid questions.;)

    btw I'm sure with your reputation here that everyone understands that life happens and sometime you can't give everything your best. family/friends first. business second. No one's going to worry.
  3. Do what you gotta do, and family first!
  4. Grumpy
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
    Posts: 2,569

    from NE Ohio

    We still have mad bromance for ya!


    Take care of the family, and yourself....

  5. Glad to hear about the nonsmoking thing man! You looked GAY puffing on those things!

    As for the rest, we will still be here.
    Joined: Nov 18, 2007
    Posts: 221


    When it rains it pours, hang in there and remember, it could always be worse.
  7. Deadbird
    Joined: Jul 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,181


    Keep your chin up. You have your priorities in the right order. Family has got to come first. Congrats on kicking the smoking habit. I gave 'em up about 23 years ago and could start again any time. So be careful!
  8. HellsHotRods
    Joined: Jul 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,410


    For the people who have or have not ordered from Eric, his service is worth waiting for. Take care of your family and things will work out.
    Quiting smoking - think of all the money you'll be saving for hot rod projects.
  9. SlmLrd
    Joined: Oct 27, 2007
    Posts: 999

    from DAGO

    I read it all and then came the "I quit smoking" part. Ill tell ya, everything seems to go to shit the minute you quit smoking. The stars are lining back up for sure, don't trip.

    Sounds like things are the way they are, see you on the other end of it all, biz flowing, healthy and kicking ass once again!
  10. I dropped and in a couple years ago and spend a couple of hours with Eric and had a great time. He gave me a great deal on trinkets that he had in stock and a t-shirt for dropping by. I was driving from Phoneix to Nova Scotia and that was one of my highlights of the trip.
    Being an ex smoker myself I like to raze people quitting by telling them nobody likes a quitter.
    Thanks Eric!
  11. Sorry to hear of your troubles Eric, but those of us who know you know that you are a great guy who enjoys taking care of business. Take care of your family, we're not going anywhere, we can wait. You'll be back in due time, do what you gotta do. Let me/us know if we can help.
    Take care buddy.
  12. sawzall
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 4,725



    Just stay away from the smokes everything else will work itself out
    Joined: Nov 13, 2002
    Posts: 1,261


    being up front says a lot!!
  14. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    I saw the post and thought who is the ass wipe saying this and then saw it was you. Glad to see you survived the flu and your partners loss. Also congrats on the quit smoking. I quit about 5 years ago and now I don't wake myself up at night weezing. What happens when we all stop smoking? Who's going to pay for health care?
    Take care and get healthy. Keith
  15. Ob1
    Joined: Jan 21, 2010
    Posts: 411


    Life strikes sometimes, ya just gotta roll with it! Putting the word out, a good thing.
  16. 48fordnut
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
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    Member Emeritus

    Hang tough Eric. You know you are in our prayers. You are a good man. ,just stay the course.jim
  17. Mark H
    Joined: May 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,461

    Mark H
    from Scotland

    Hope your fortunes change for the better real soon.
    Good luck with quitting smoking!I've tried several times and failed miserably!
  18. Eric,in everyone's life a little rain must fall but sometimes it fells like it never stops raining.

    Having done business with Eric on several occasions I can say that you are very dedicated to your customers and your business.

    The death of your frame partners mom ,your bout with the flu and your mother-in-laws sickness is a part of life that sometimes seems to come all at once.

    As for smoking,I have never tried it myself but having many friends who do and some have succeeded in quitting while others have failed I know it's tuff.

    As others have pointed out,,family is first priority and the rest will fall in place. Danny
  19. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,730

    from Garner, NC

    We all goes through this stuff man, I know it'll get better, just hang tough...
  20. Damn brother I hope nuthin' bad happens. ;)
    I thought things were rough in my world.

    I really hope things go well with Carol. Everything else has already worked itself out I assume.

    If it'll make you feel any better I am finally getting around to using those front end bushings you got for my Stude. I'm probably going to have to have some more rubber stuff but it'll wait until things settle out for ya.

    Send the kids over here for srping break if ya want. There's room for 'em.

  21. saints
    Joined: Dec 15, 2008
    Posts: 553


    keep your head up you have alot of support on here and we have all been there.... Take care of the family it wont be long and they will all be grown up or moving on....time flies when your busy helping everyone else.....Take some time
  22. dickster27
    Joined: Feb 28, 2004
    Posts: 3,211

    from Texas

    Eric, with your integrity and the reputation that preceeds you, believe me, my friend, no one here had any worry about you being a slacker. And your priorities surely fall in place with your attitude for your business and your customers. So, take care of the family and it will amaze you how everything else will just fall into place. And you won't believe the surprise you are in for after about 2-3 months from now, besides the money you will be saving on those cancer sticks. It's all good buddy.
  23. Congrats on putting down the smokes. Every day it gets easier, just don't give in to the temptation. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel!

    Sorry we won't see you at the Round Up. Maybe there's still a chance you can make it.
  24. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 8,378


    Putting those heaters outta your life is a good thing, I still do a little medicinal smoking but no cigs. Kudos for being so open about your life and some down time, I just experienced a meltdown over $ and that I can't build my two projects like I want to. I thought giving up the car hobby was a first step to recovery, not!! I have a bi-polar problem which aided me going to the low point. But with friends encouragement I am feeling much better and doing what I can with my rides that doesn't require big cash layouts. I don't know you personally but your reputation I do know, and it is a damn good one, you will be fine! Sorry to blab my tail of woe, just want you to know you are not the only guy out there that drops into a little funk when the flow is disturbed. Don't put to much pressure on yourself and you are on the road to re-establishing your go get'um routine. Hope you decide to get to the L.S.R., I am going when I shouldn't , but life is short and this event is going to be soul-mending for me. I am sure it would be a good thing for you as well. Take care Bro!! ~Sololobo~
  25. Chaz
    Joined: Feb 24, 2004
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    Member Emeritus

    It seems to me that someone who has been so good with customer service in the past should get a little slack when he really needs it. Hoping things get better for you soon. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  26. Eric,

    Circle the wagons man! Only so much room at the top for priorities.

    Every customer from here will understand and if they don't they were a 1-800-sheep rodder anyway.

    Take care
  27. TudorJeff
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 1,132


    Do a search for Vaphead or Riley and see all the words of thanks and praise.

    Then remember that family comes first brother. The rest will work itself out.

    Oh and congrats on kicking the ciggys!
  28. Eric
    Family and health come first. Most of us have been there too. The rain will end soon and the sun will come out for you.
  29. Abone29
    Joined: Mar 20, 2007
    Posts: 234


    Eric,you take care of home first.You have a loyal following here and they will understand.What business I have done with you was a first rate experience and I will continue to do so.Hang in there Bro.
  30. 55chevr
    Joined: Jul 12, 2008
    Posts: 985


    Your customer loyalty is never in question ... Riley Automotive is an absolute pleasure to deal with ... Joe
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