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Shipping a Car from Canada to the U.S.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by ShakeyPuddin55, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. ShakeyPuddin55
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 1,906


    I've never done it before but I'm thinking of buying a car in Canada. It's an inoperable car. The seller knows nothing about the details of getting the car across the boarder and neither do I.

    Anyone have any experience in this area? I'm hoping to use a smaller independant type shipper like Ben D. I've already talked to Ben and he's never shipped a car from Canada and it's out of his area anyways.

  2. ss34coupe
    Joined: May 13, 2007
    Posts: 4,241


    If it is a complete-looking car (as opposed to a bunch of parts) then you will likely need registration. Sold a 33 Ford coupe to a guy in Washington state a few years ago - it was a roller with no motor or trans or interior. I had to get it registered in so he could take it across the border. Once that was done, he had no problem.
  3. I sold Jason at Flyrite his '33 5 window a few years back - it was really rough, I only had a bill of sale and we jammed it full of parts for the trip to the border. He met us there (he actually drove into Canada a few 100 feet), we loaded it onto his U Haul trailer and away he went. The border guys took one look at it and waved him through. Pretty easy prospect, although I did wait around until he cleared the border just in case the border patrol needed clarification on the sale or anything but it ended up not being necessary. I don't live close to the border but we made a deal on the delivery/pickup beforehand and it worked out great.

  4. michiganman061
    Joined: Jul 23, 2006
    Posts: 509

    from Michigan

    It all depends on the border guard you get....for example:

    I hauled back a 47 Stude from alberta and at the Sweetgrass MT border the US guys just checked my drivers licence and waved me through. No hastle, no problem.

    Earlier this year I brought a 64 Stude from Ontario into Michigan. I was 'detained' for 5 hours while the US customs filled out stacks of paperwork and literally went over the car with a fine toohed comb.

    Be ready and have all your paperwork....they might not ask for it but without it it can be a real headache.
  5. Marcy
    Joined: Apr 6, 2004
    Posts: 1,541


    I just crossed 2 weeks ago with 2 complete Model T Coupes, a T Sedan and an A Sedan.(and a bunch of parts) No problems at all.
    Showed my drivers license and receipts for the purchases and was on my way.

  6. ShakeyPuddin55
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
    Posts: 1,906


    Well there's about a 50-50 chance I will go through with the purchase. The car is a rough looking rolling chassis. No motor / trans, no interior.

    It does not have a title, only a bill of sale.
    I would hate for a shipper that I hired to get hung up at the boarder.

    Thanks for the replies.
  7. BuiltFerComfort
    Joined: Jan 24, 2007
    Posts: 1,619


    Find out the shippers route, the more rural crossing the better for the most part. Get plenty of contact numbers and make sure the driver (not just the shipper) has these numbers in case of border issues.

    Make the Bill of Sale look like an official document as much as possible.
  8. pistinbroke
    Joined: Jan 22, 2005
    Posts: 539


    Get the currant owner to obtain an ownership for it. All they need to do for that is to go and sign an affidavid (sp) at the motor vehical department, or with the justice of the peace, and they have a title. It will state that the car is not certified or plated, but it is titled. Then they sign the back of it over to you. This might also help you out when you go to get a title for it in the States.

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