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Hot Rods Coker/BFG's On My Deuce Highboy

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by krylon32, May 11, 2024.

  1. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    Just got back from Peculiar and the P&J open house. 600 mile round trip. Dam 285/70R15 Coker/BFG rear tires are driving me nuts. I've balanced the rears twice on the latest computer balancer down to 0. Shakes the car violently between 67&77 mph. Smooth above that and below that. Yesterday I went to Mo at 80 which for an old man gets stressful. Today I decided to run 65 and everything went smoothly for the first 275 miles when I stopped at a Walmart for about 15 minutes and when I got back on the road the fastest I could go was 55. Over that you could look in the side mirror and watch the tire jumping up and down. I've also tried the air pressure changes suggested in a previous thread. I had good luck with these tires when BFG made them, but now they're made by Coker? Is there a 31 inch tall option for my 10 inch American Rebel rims that don't belong on a 4 wheel drive? Stumped.
  2. corncobcoupe
    Joined: May 26, 2001
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    Process of elimination.
    Are you sure it’s the tires ?
    Could be a shock Rod.
    Wheel bearing ?
    Could be out of balance drive shaft.

    If you thinks it’s the tires, take them off and put on a plain Jane set and see what happens.
    lo c dan and mad mikey like this.
  3. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
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    from Zoar, Ohio

    You could try beads???
    What pressure are you running?
  4. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
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    Pressure wise I've been from 35 down to the low 20's. Wheels Beating? Just had the Aldans rebuilt, I'm sure they would catch that. Drive shaft was built by the best in this part of the country, never had a problem.
  5. chicken
    Joined: Aug 15, 2004
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    from Kansas

    Best thing I ever did with a set of Coker's was take them off.
  6. hoop
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
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    I will second that.
  7. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
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    Was the problem there before you had this done?
    Unless it started immediately the tires were fitted, it could be another cause.......
    mad mikey likes this.
  8. Jim Bouchard
    Joined: Mar 2, 2011
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    Jim Bouchard

    When I put the wide whites on my 46 I was concerned about the Coker effect and all the things I have read.

    I ended up using Diamondbacks that they made just for me using brand new BFG tires and made the white part to my liking. Having big and littles, I didn’t want a measured amount of white on the tires, they made the front and rears have roughly the same amount of white proportionality to the side wall making the white part look balanced front to rear.

    I’m super happy with the quality and the look.
    Not a problem with the balancing either.
  9. Are they round ?
    Where are these things actually made ?
    jaracer likes this.
  10. They look great.
  11. Jim Bouchard
    Joined: Mar 2, 2011
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    Jim Bouchard

    Thank you so much!!!
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  12. SS327
    Joined: Sep 11, 2017
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    Lots of burn outs to make them round?
    2Blue2 likes this.
  13. Tow Truck Tom
    Joined: Jul 3, 2018
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    Tow Truck Tom
    from Clayton DE

    Tires need to be purchased from Tire companies.
    There, I said it.
    Sick and tired of hearing these tales, year after year.
    If the mods feel need to delete this, fine with me.
    But I said it
  14. I tried a set of Galaxy 285 70 15's are they were round and ran 28 lbs in em in my last 32 roadster,
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  15. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
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    Had the problem from the start. Like I said above, between approximately 67 & 77 you can check the side mirror and see the tires bouncing up and down? It seems better at lower pressures but I wonder how low you can safely go with these tires on my sedan. Ain't my first rodeo 35+ hot rods mostly deuces and the only other time I had a major vibration after many hours of trying everything we could think of on my 3 window it turned out to be a mis machined 9 inch yoke. I'm 90% sure it's tires but after everything I've tried only way to find out might be different tires?
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  16. KevKo
    Joined: Jun 25, 2009
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    from Motown

    I’d try tire beads first, not much money. If they work you’re good. If they don’t, then try another set of tires.
  17. bschwoeble
    Joined: Oct 20, 2008
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    You bring up a good point. I have the same tires on my car. I get a vibration in my steering wheel, about 60mph. I hadn't thought about the rear tires. I've checked the balance on all tires several times. I even put a dial indicator on all the rims to check runout. I have been assuming the problem was up front. I put those tires on to replace the smaller tires, because I wanted to fill the wheel well with that taller tire. Never had a problem before, even going up to 85mph.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  18. Many years ago I had a balance/vibration issue with one rear tire on my coupe(285/70' BFGs).....
    It was a random thing, I had them balanced several times. Finally broke down the tire and found 1/2 a cup of water inside the tire! Never did figure out how it got there.....
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  19. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
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    I just heard the same water response from my friend Gary in Omaha. I've been thru 100's of tires in my life but never had that problem? Just hold my breath taking these to the tire store, the wheels are polished American Rebel 10X15 inch sprints.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  20. dirt car
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
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    Obvious of course, but swap both rear wheels & tires as a unit if able before chasing anything else.
    Tow Truck Tom likes this.
  21. Daddy_O
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 584


    Coker WWW's I had years ago did that, but it was due to a shift in the tire cords, several times, on several tires. 235x70x15's that were on the rear. Look at your tread pattern around the tire and see if any might've shifted. Gave up on Coker, it's been BFG WWW's since then.
    '28phonebooth and Tow Truck Tom like this.
  22. dave agosti
    Joined: Nov 28, 2019
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    dave agosti

    Many stories of out of round Coker tires. I believe the big tire companies reject plenty of new tires. Maybe Coker does not!
  23. ..Likely enough water in the air compressor when filling or topping off tires to do this. How often does a busy tire store drain them on hot,humid days! Just big swings in temperature could be a contributing factor as well.
  24. Bandit Billy
    Joined: Sep 16, 2014
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    Bandit Billy

    I had the same issue on Coker American Classics, not round. Replaced them with DB Auburns and I roll any speed I want now. Tires are worthless if not round.
    '28phonebooth and 40StudeDude like this.
  25. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    My Coker bias plies are round and smooth as a gravy sandwich at all speeds
    warbird1 likes this.
  26. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    Moriarity: Wish you were closer, I need an affirming voice to silence all the non believers. Guys I been doing this a lot longer that many of you have been alive. I dam sure know problem tires when I have them on my car. Coker has had problems in the past and maybe I got a bad set? I'm really surprised that someone hasn't mentioned the American Rebel wheels as the problem, only thing left. I'm on the hunt for an alternative tire. 34 guy had a suggestion and it's not bad. I'm so anal about side walls and tread pattern I'm a dam tough customer. I've never compromised to date and this ain't the time to start.
    bschwoeble and lothiandon1940 like this.
  27. Can't you put the back wheels and tires from another rod on this to see what happens?
    lothiandon1940 and Johnny Gee like this.
  28. A Boner
    Joined: Dec 25, 2004
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    A Boner

    Coker…seems to live up to their reputation consistently year in and year out. Got to give them that!
    '28phonebooth and seb fontana like this.
  29. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    Unfortunately everything else has the wrong BP.
    lothiandon1940 likes this.
  30. Happydaze
    Joined: Aug 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,947


    Could try a balance on a Hunter Road Force balancer before condeming the tires, or it'll confirm the descision to condem, or maybe not!


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