So I took a bunch of pictures today at the Flathead Run . They are no where the quality that Aldridge DW posted today but you may get some different views here. It was a great day for a show. There was a great turn out of cars ans spectators. The Hot Rod Cafe was doing a great job of hosting. I think everyone was having a good time. Thanks for putting on the show guys!
Sam must have worked 24 7 to get this roadster running for the event! This guy drove up from California The top chop on this car is excellent!
So that's it. Yes I do have definite preference for Fords, Especially 39's and 40's. I make no apologies for that. I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Thanks for taking the pics and posting them here. Looks like great weather and a great collection of cars.
Thanks for the pics! It was a good time! Seeing all the great cars makes the effort of putting this on well worth it! We'll do it again next year
Does this happen around the same time every year? I had no idea about it, or I would have gone. Thanks for sharing these awesome pictures, nice photography!
Thanks for the pics. Wanted to make it down for this but had to go to a wedding. Glad to see a few Canadian cars made the trip.
Thanks for the comments! Yes it does happen about the same time every year. Chris says they will do it again next year. This was the first time at the Monitor location. I hope to have the 40 coupe running for next years event. I took a lot of pictures but did not post them all I just use my old (cheap) digital Cannon Power Shot A570 IS and then edit the pictures with Microsoft Picture Manager. I will probably drive rramjet nuts next weekend taking pictures at the Swindlers Poker Run. rramjet will be driving so I can sight see and shutter bug.