Last Sunday we all had a great days racing at the 1/8 mile track in Warwick. A great fun place to race. The numbers were a little down but that just meant we had more track time. Our Flattie was running good, finally, and we were chasing a decent qualifying time, Barry got the gong there. We dialed in at 9.00 and ran a 9.005 in the first run, 9.016 in the second and then a 9.175 in the last, giving us 3 from 3, pretty happy with that. Poppa John strapped one on me in the final for a well deserved win. Good on ya mate. The next round is May, so we'll be there for sure.
Great looking cars and you guys know how to have a good time. We need pictures and information for "old6's" HA/GR & SDRA photo thread of the other two rides.
I'm one of "The Two Dicks" now? Hey Thingy, we're famous. Does mean anytime anyone uses the term they pay a royalty, and we get to split it? Nigel, please thank The Black Sheep for their photo/info listing, and ask'em to fill in the question marks if they'd like. Gentlemen, the thread's nearly at 30 cars now, and already over 5,000 views. Nigel & Kerry's car's already on the thread (one of the early ones), and I believe the middle car in the photo's the "Living HAMB" car, also already on the thread.
That's a nice bunch of Aussie HA/GR's. I sure wish there was a few guys like you in my neck of the woods.
Hey Nigel is it true that your left foot got a bit itchy in the finals looking forward to August and seeing everyone
Hey Nigel, don't sweat it, as the old master who taught me the ropes running an E/Mod motorcycle told me, "If you don't get the red now and then you aren't trying hard enough". We had the class record for a while so I guess he did OK.
woo hoo the best light i`ve cut is a .012 at mopar sunday last year with a sick hambster , and nigal , i think i mite make a award for us guys who grab cherry light , even i`ve got it once or twice ,
Sometimes that great light does not help much. A few years ago I cut a light, then when I hit second gear (4 speed) I threw a rod, It did not go to the outside, I did not oil down the track. While I was setting there, they announced .0007 light, that's real close to a red light, they usually only tell about three digits. I was out in front. My normal light times are all over the place. There is a track in Mo. South of Springfield, Ozark Raceway, the right side red light has a star shaped hole in it, I saw that when I lit it up in 2005.
Just remember that a 0.000 light is only a 0.001 from a perfect RED LIGHT. I would take all the 0.010 lights I could get just be safe, that is if I could cut a .010 light. Ain't done that in a long,long.long time.
"The Professor" Warren Johnson, was heard to say: "A .0007 light is just a very poor job of red lighting" P-Dog........