here are some more photos from today car show at the volo auto musieum in volo illinois a friend of mine name critter took these..i hope you enjoy looking at these photos. Thanks Allen FlattandScruggs1
Allen FlattandScruggs1: Great camera angles for the photo's. Thanks for posting some really cool looking cars shots. Jimbo
Too bad I didn't see anything about this before it happened, would've like to have gone. Then I could see those without going cross-eyed
Cool photos, the fish eye/artsy look on every photo is a bit much but I appreciate you posting them. HRP
Nice cars, looks like it was a good show. I kept moving my head left and right, to get over the bubble. Thanks for taking time to post pics.
here are some more photos Voodoo A Go GO from Car Show Aaron be sure to let me know what you think of these Voodoo A GO-GO Flames Voodoo A GO-GO Pictures Thanks Allen FlattandScruggs1