This saturday June 4th, Franz Hyland is having a show & open house at his shop, VINTAGE RODS & GARAGE ! Its in Speegleville TEXAS but has a Waco address = 6900 N. Hwy 6 Waco, Tx. Show is from 12 - 5 . 10 classes, 2 trophies per class ! Franz supports all the DFW & Austin events that he can , come support him if possible ! later peck
My hot wifey gonna be with me , so will be hitting a resturant insted of grill ! Probably the TEXAS ROAD HOUSE !
Will try and be there. but have to leave early because a bunch of us that had a club in the early seventies (Mid State Street Rods)are gonna have a get together late Sat afternoon. We always like going to shows that Franz puts on....lots of fun.
Steve Hendricks still has his vest complete with the 1973 Street rod nationals name tag on it... Did you know Larry Jenkins still has his 33 Dodge coupe that your dad worked on, and is planning on rebuilding it. He had given it to his son who took it to N Carolina and never worked on it for about 10 years, so Larry had it shipped back to Waco and has it in his garage now.
I would also like to thank Peckerhead and everyone else that made it out.It was a good crowd for our first show,hope theres many more.