The cowl has a MGTD look about it. V8 60's were a popular hop up for TD's in the 50's and 60's. I had a '51 TD with a V8 60 in 1971. Swapped the V8 60 for MGA running gear. While I was in basic training my dad had the 60 hauled off to the dump.
The front wheels look like Crosley which was common on the smaller sprints back then. I think 12” or 13”. In fact the frame rails look like they could be from an old sprinter too.
Looks a lot like copy Lotus 7 or someone with similar idea. Are you familiar with the “ LowCost 7 “ movement to build similar lightweight sports car hot rods?
This is its one seat cousin. Also known as a " JOHN GERBER" tribute build, as seen at the CHRR at FAMOSO a few years back. "It takes leather balls to play RUGBY" and to pilot this kick ass ride as well! Thanks from Dennis.
Kinda has a road race vibe. Something that would have a co pilot/ navigator. I would think with that reverse curve on the cowl that it was a project that had put real money/ talent put into it whether it was ever run or not. the curve in the rear rails is a little reminiscent of the Chevy rails we saw a lot of early cars like Navarro roadster used. I think there’s maybe one other make that has a similar rail. Either way the boxing job on them looks exceptionally nice from here. Neat find. edit. Gauges might be late 40’s Nash? The insert feels boat to me.
Some of those specials were built for the early SCCA events, When I saw the pics in your article first thing I thought of was this Triumph special below, can't recall the details on this special but was in magazines in the early 50s, similar vibe.
As others have suggested, this looks like it might have been planned as a road racing special... there were a lot of them with similar body configuration in the early fifties. Someone thought the front wheels might be from a Crosley, but Crosley rims look quite different than these