Find a set of 55'-59'staggerd bolt pattern heads and a set of finned or Corvette valve covers to put on it. it's also hard too go wrong with a 3x2 manifold but try to find something rare like a FENTON 3x2 manifold. I'd say no to the gear drive, and the 2 Stromberg's on a 4BBl manifold adapter are just a cheap attempt at making an engine look old.
I am building a 327 with 462 castings. I milled the block .020 in. milled the heads .015 in and have a .040 in overbore and will end up with slightly over 10:1 compression with flat top pistons. Your 283 would have a serious compression loss unless you can use heads with 57cc or less chamber volume or domed pistons with the larger 62-64 cc heads. As previously stated; not over 1.94 dia intake valves. PS in the 60s I rebuilt the 283 power pack in my sisters 57 with 350hp/327 cam and springs and C AFB on the stock intake. Ran great until I pulled a rocker stud; don't forget the screw in studs.
Touché! That's a pretty unusual piece you have there. Learn something new every day; cool...and traditional "if" you have a 1957 Cris-Craft!!
Image by Gizzy posted Sep 21, 2014 at 11:01 PM I've got a 283 in my 64' Belair.Fairly " traditional",.030 over,power pak heads w/hardened seats,comp cam,aluminum manifold/holley 600.Not a hot rod by no means just a nice little runner.Real happy with it.
I've never ran a gear drive so I don't know what the noise level is, but my 38 Chevy has so much muffler noise I doubt I'd hear a gear drive anyway. If that's what you like just do it.
I have to agree 100% with his comment. NO one ran those back when a hopped up 283 was normal to have. The hot lick would have been a 3x2 carb setup or a factory Corvette 2x4 intake with the little Rochester carbs and Corvette Finned valve covers. The power pack heads or camel hump 194 heads like shown in ptost 14 would finish off the look and be the right parts. The main thing is no visible bolt holes in the front of the tiheads for mounting accessories or you blow the crap out of your traditional theme and it's just another small block Chevy engine.
ok 2 more questions.. were there any aftermarket single 2 barrel manifolds or would it be a bad idea to run a stock single 2 barrel intake with maybe an holley 2barrel carb? and what short manual transmissions could i pick from??? thanks again guys ive learned a ton from this, cant wait to start working on this. im only 31 and its my first engine build.
Fuely heads are also know as camel hump heads or double hump heads. Way over rated as far as I am concerned. Power pack heads with a simple 3 angle valve job and some quick pocket porting will flow just as well and be a cheaper and easier to find as a rule.
Stock 2 barrel manifolds are cheap to come across. But myself I would go with a 4 barrel manifold and carb. Just looks better and if you are going with better heads why limit yourself. Are you looking at a automatic or manual trans set up?
i think i want to put in a manual... and from the looks of it, putting in a V8 in a 30s rig you are tight on space so id imagine I'd want the shortest i could find....right?? . ok so if i run a 4 barrel. what would be a period correct carb?
Early carter AFB. as far as trans almost any 3 or 4 speed from mid sixties and later. Muncie, T10, Saginaw keep a eye out on Craigslist, swapmeets, people on here. When you pick one up have someone take a look at who know transmissions so you don't get a pos.
Be careful when you set up your engine using .040 slugs. I punched mine .040 over also and the new pistons I got had the wrist pin location higher in the piston which effectively reduces your compression ratio. If you run a thicker head gasket, and a large CC head as well you can easily loose 1 full point of compression ratio. I ended up decking my block .025, and used a steel shim gasket measuring .016, and took a .010 clean up pass across powerpack heads which got me back to a compression ratio of about 9.0 to 1. Small CI motors like a little bit of compression to run well. All said and done I am in my old 283 4K including parts,labor, and machine work. I have a new respect for engine builders after my eye opening experience of going through my 283 and learned much more about engines than I ever thought I would. Good luck to you.
looks like its had a few miles on the .040 punch, just not much.. was told it had power pack heads ima put them back on if i can find them..... hope for the best on compression ratio thanks for the heads up.. by the way, that coupe of yours looks killer in your avatar mad 034
I have a low milage 67 275HP 327 engine with "camel hump" heads. I understand that the only diference between a 275 and a 300 is the cam. Is there a difference in the heads also?
Learn as much as you can before you spend your hard earned dollar. Lots of great info here on the H.AM.B. for sure -- and thanks for the compliment on my coupe.
Not substantially, however, I just picked up a set of 461 castings and it appears that there could be a difference in combustion chamber volume. I would not expect more than 2 or 3 cc and I'm going to check the volume compared to some 462s I have. Some here probably already have this info. BTW 462s appear to have the larger chambers.
If you don't like accessory holes, put some loctite on some 3/8" bolts and tighten them up. take a cuttoff wheel and cut them flush with the head and dress them up with epoxy and paint the heads. Still not traditional but you would fool some of the people some of the time. That is if you choose to run the 305s.
I would have replied sooner, but I was busy reading an article in the July 1964 Popular Hot Rodding on installing the Isky gear drive for small block Chevrolets. What was your question again?
You can, but it looks more traditional with the original cannister filter on it, especially if it is chromed!
Yea, but the early isky drives are two-gear, so you need a reverse-rotation cam. Unless of course you were just looking for some bullshit justification to run a modern gear drive and call it "traditional". If thats the case then Bobs yer uncle... I was gonna post about a two gear drive and reverse rotation cam about two posts in, but I figured I'd hang back and see where this thread went...and it went pretty much where I thought it would, so why am I posting this???