To Ryan, Thank you for all your hard work on the new HAMB! As one who does battle with a computer on a daily basis, I fully appreciate what you've gone through and you deserve a round of applause from all of us. Until it wasn't there, we didn't realize how intricately woven into our daily lives it had become. Many people suffered actual withdrawal pains; as was evident by the Facebook posts. What you have created with The HAMB is an amazing thing. It is not only our access to a vast store of knowledge and spare parts, but it's a very real community of support and encouragement. As with any family you have your black sheep, your trouble makers, and your whiners; but in the end we are all in this together, bound by the common thread of loving cars. Thank you for being the family patriarch.
Seriously, I'm the one that should be thanking you guys. Typically, when you do a massive redesign like this you spend the entire first week defending the change and fielding nasty emails, replying to incredibly insensitive complaints on the forum, etc... And, trust me, it's hard to do after you put so much of yourself into something. There were times in the past when I wanted to trace an IP, get an address, and beat up on some kid for something he said on the internet... And you feel this way even though you REALLY know that the first reaction to change is ALWAYS confusion. It's a natural reaction. And I expected A WHOLE LOT of this kind of thing last night and today. Instead, I've been met with a bunch of really nice threads like this one, really gracious emails, and very constructive criticism. I'm more thankful than any of you will ever know.
The more I use it, the better I like it. "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
The more you read, and mess around with it, the easier it becomes, and I'm one of the old shits!-MIKE
Ryan glad HAMB is back and just in time, I am having foot surgery tomorrow and need to be off my foot for 8 to 12 weeks. So I need something to do and navigating the new changes will help pass the time. Thanks Pat
It will get easier, you just have to take it out and play with it. Thanks, Ryan. The wait was worth it.
. Well said lady HRP and well done Ryan. I like the change despite a few hic - ups and appreciate all the effort that went into them. I think I'm gonna like it here... ;-) .
Well said. I can't imagine the countless hours that went into this update. Thanks to Ryan and the team for a job well done.
Well said and well done, I was jonesing and with each day that passed I was beggining to wonder when it would be back online.
Yes Ryan, Well done. Change is not always easy to accept and many things here have changed but in time I am sure many of us will work it all out.
Well done!!!! Thanks Ryan. (I was one of the FB in withdrawal) Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I'm glad to see it back up! You really miss this thing when it's not there. It shows a lot of time and hard work went into this rehab- I appreciate it, Ryan and all the rest who worked so hard on it. Thanks!
Yes indeed, thank you sir... It suits me fine. Even if it didn't I wouldn't care, I'm just glad it's back! Thanks again for the time and effort. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Just logged in to see the new site. I joined and introduced myself here about a year ago but seldom make any posts. I spend most of my time on Fordbarn but do enjoy coming here occasionally and reading the tech stuff. I'll hold any comments on the new site until I have had a chance to check things out. Thanks Ryan for all you do here and on Fordbarn.
Good to see all my brothers and sisters again. You said it, Brenda. We certainly do thank you Ryan, for giving us a forum where we can share our common interest in the cool old hot rods and customs. And much more than that...allowing us the opportunity to be a family of sorts, who's members support each other in good times and bad. I've always liked the Hamb a lot. But after all the heartfelt and sincere and real support I received recently, with so many here helping me to pull through when not many others near me were...I can truly say that I LOVE the matter the format. Even if the new version was in brail, I think I'd learn to use it. (please don't do that Thank you again, Ryan. The new version looks good. Now how do I...? Oh ok, nevermind...found the button.
It's so great to be out of purgatory (H.A.M.B. Back on line!!)...thanks to Ryan and all of the behind the scene people... Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Hi Ryan outstanding job on the remodel.One thing that I miss is the"old way" of viewing the thumb nails.Other than that IT`S GREAT.Thanks again Ryan. Good luck.Have fun.Be safe. Leo