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TECH - Lincoln-Zephyr OD install

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by NoSurf, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,538


    So- here is what I have been currently working on with my coupe. In between moving loads of tree limbs broken off my trees from the ice-storm in Dec., I have shifted gears from rebuilding the 59L to getting the Lincoln-Zephyr trans installed.


    My trans crossmember from before was a 2x4 tube, with a notch recessed in the center ala Pierson Bros coupe. But with the OD, that crossmember isn't going to work. The overdrive is about 12" longer and has threaded holes to accept the rubber isolation trans mount. (My hotrod is built for comfort first and foremost, so I want to keep the rubber mount.)


    Another problem is the OD soleniod, which happens to unfortunately line right up with the old crossmember and pedal assembly. So I had to clearance the master cylinder bracket and trim a little from the pedal mount bracket.


    There you can see the trans mount that I will have to build a bracket to sling underneath and weld to the old crossmember- which is integral to my pedal and mc assy. I checked the Shpeedway catalog and I guess the Lincoln-Zephyr od trans to model A coupe with AA frame crossmember was out of stock.


    There is the od soleniod nestled in its new home.

    So I need to do some more fabricatin'. Just a quicky update for those following along with the rebuild.
  2. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    Interesting. I'd like to make a few comments if you don't mind.

    We both know flat black and red oxide are out for rat rods in '08, but do you think you might be trying a bit too hard by going with a hot pink transmission? Look at my quarter panel. A bit "wacky" with the Aunt Norma's Quilting Bee appearance but still gives a nod to traditional rat rodding with the burned paint I left around my tack welds. (no apologies to Tman and hatch)

    And the self portrait? I think mildly startled or "crazed" is officially on the way out. So go with a look that says, "Hey there, check out my MySpace page." And throw something crazy in the mix. A bitchin' hat... handlebar mustache. Get creative. Keep it fresh.

    You're my friend and I don't want you to lose interest in this. So try not to get too sidetracked with how things should be mounted or fit and work together.

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  3. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    Serious though. Looks good so far. Keep this thread going. I have the same transmission and have been wondering how it will all fit together.

    The solenoid could be a problem but it looks workable from what I can make out in the photos. I'm interested to see how the solenoid actually works. All I've done is monkey around with it on my workbench - wasn't installed on my transmission.
  4. dammit kevin.. the picture that would be perfect in b&w french film noir style and you dig out the kodachrome.

    looks good jay! spooky, but good.
  5. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
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    Great thread.
    And Kev.... you look like some WWII Flying Fortress mechanic stationed in England longing for home and your hotrod.
  6. What are your plans for the side shifter arrangment? Are you going to convert to a floor shift? If so, how?
  7. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,538


    I was running a '47 trans with side shift before, and using the column shifter. I am going to stick with that if I can. With the Weiand heads being so tall compared to the stockers- I will have to do some reworking of the bottom column shift mount/bracket.
  8. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    Gotta keep the column shift. I took Jay's car for a spin around my neighborhood one time and it ruled. Seriously considering it for my coupe.

    Looking at the stock mount for that transmission and wondering if you could make something a little cleaner with some tubing and a few of those urethane rod end bushings or something? That stock thing looks like hell. Maybe make an "L" bracket solid from the trans to a typical biscuit mount. Don't know what you have planned - just tossing ideas.
  9. I think it is more magenta than hot pink?
  10. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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    general gow
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    jay- i think you might be a couple years ahead of the curve with the paint scheme. but i have to disagree with kevin on the choice of facial hair. if i learned one thing when i was growing up it was, "never trust a man with a mustache," so i have to approve of your version of the self portrait. keep in mind though that this should in no nay be construed as a compliment. we couldn't have that.

    i am curious to find out actual hot rod related information regarding this project though. so keep me in the loop.
  11. scootermcrad
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 12,383


    You still haven't mounted that thing!!?? ;):D I was wondering what happened to that transmission. Keep me posted kevin!
  12. Rusty
    Joined: Mar 4, 2004
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    Cool, I see 80 mph cruises in the future. Gonna be ready to come to Austin?
  13. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
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    It would be nice to not have to be topped out at 70-75 mph, LOL.:D

    Unfortunately- I don't think I will be attending the Roundup this year.:(
  14. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    Whoever designed the solenoid placement on thos things did not like Fords...
    The stock Lincolm mounts you have can be re-rubbered by a guy who advertises on the LZ site.
    If you took a piece of angle iron and notched out the vertical considerably, you could bolt that onto the lower bolts fastening OD adaptor to trans...that would allow use of a simple mount like generic '60's-70's GM to a crossmember welded lower on stumps of old crossmember.
  15. hiboy32
    Joined: Nov 7, 2001
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    from Omaha, NE

    I am glad to see the progress. How is the flatty rebuild going?
  16. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
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    After I get this trans stuff sorted out and a couple other things re-engineered- I will take the block and crank in for machine work.

    I need to check on the napa paint # I used for the trans LOL.
  17. hiboy32
    Joined: Nov 7, 2001
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    from Omaha, NE

    That is a good idea.
  18. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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    general gow
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    no real need to check the paint # jay, just go get more and incorporate the color into some scallops on the cowl...:)
  19. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,538


    Ok- here is what I got done today.

    I decided I didn't like the stock Zephyr trans mount- not because it's ugly, but because I didn't like how if I went back to where I had the previous crossmember, I would be loading the crossmember off axis. I like to simplify the load path when I can. After some discussions with Kevin- I decided to go ahead and make a new crossmember with some brackets.

    So this morning I was out in the shop around 5am, and thought, "what would Sellers do?" HAHA. I came up with these nifty brackets made from 1/4" plate in an "L" shape. Then attached some side gussetts out of 3/16" plate. Some cool holes and "polishing" with 30, 50 then red Scotchbrite.


    I used some 1/4" rubber belting from a quarry conveyor for vibration isolation. The crossmember is 1"x2"x.125 steel.


    It took me about 4 hours to make the first bracket, then 2 hours to make the second one, LOL.

    View from above:


    At the ends of the crossmember I welded on some L 1"x2"x3/16" brackets to sit on the bottom of the AA framerails.


    My welds came out ok, strength wise. This one is the ugliest. (Where's Mr. James when you need some good welding tech?:D)

    By the way, the tranny color is Krylon RTA9221 Burgundy Wine, LMAO:):D:)
  20. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    That looks great man. Way better than the OG/LZ stuff ever could.

    Funny: I was at the theatre getting ready to watch "Horton Hears a Who" and got your picture. Took a quick look at the phone and thought, "Why would Jay send me a pic from Seller's site?... oh - movie is starting." :D
  21. tr12
    Joined: Dec 19, 2006
    Posts: 242


    i think this is a fine example of an informational and useful tech article
    keep on keppin on!
  22. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
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    from Missouri

    Cool tranny mounts Jay. Good job. One more thing. I never knew Kevin Lee looked like that. Scary dude, looks depressed. Might need some milk of magnesia or something.

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  23. surferfletch
    Joined: Oct 2, 2006
    Posts: 19

    from FL

    You had a much more productive day than me! Looks good. Didn't they teach you to weld better in Vo-Ag? I'm getting in touch with Carla!
    NoSurf likes this.
  24. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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  25. ALindustrial
    Joined: Aug 7, 2007
    Posts: 852


    everything looks great on that transmission install :D i personally like that color you choosed... its classy
  26. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,538


    Thanks guys.
  27. dont let kevin lee or tman get you down on the color , the color is mauve
    scares the fuck out of me that i know that!!:D
    looks great nosurf..
  28. cuzzindeke
    Joined: Nov 2, 2007
    Posts: 17


    Your one of my IDOL's good job Nosurf.
  29. hiboy32
    Joined: Nov 7, 2001
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    from Omaha, NE

    looks good. I see that WE are stepping up the fab work on OUR cars. Not only do you have to beat me at the drags you have do it looking like Sellers did it! I think the pink looks good , on your tranny.

  30. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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    general gow
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    it IS a very SEXY bracket. i like how simple the whole thing looks now that it's coming together. especially the bracket ends. very minimalist.

    have you been taking lessons from ellsworth kelly?

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