Hell you see plenty of that on "traditional" cars too. The guy has a list in his head of the forty coolest "trad" parts of all-time, and he figures he'll really have something if he just gets them all on one car. Never worries about the fact that ten of the parts on his "top forty" were used on forties era cars, ten are from the fifties, ten are from the sixties and the balance are post millenium neo-traditionalist...But man, Hes sure got some COOL parts....
I will see what I can do tomorrow--the mag ones are at the shop and the new ones are in the garage at home. Roo
345, I have done discs onto 12 spokes, was quite simple with the aluminum flange that attaches the disc to wheel being scotch locked into place, worked a treat, never seen or want to see Buicks behind spokes, cheers
Hey, Rooman n 31Vic; Thanks for the reply & info. You weren't kidding, 3 Large is *not* cheap. Oh well... I still like the wheels. I'd hate to see the price iffen they were still done in real Mag... ;( . Marcus...
This is not exactly what you are asking about, but maybe in the right ballpark. Rocket wheels on Buick drums;