do not forget boys and girls,sundaaay-sundaaay-sundaaay july 18, 9-3 salisbury,mass. rte.110 sylvan st. bar and grill. bands, betties, hotrods, pinstripers,giveaways be there!!!
I was at the cruise night at Seabrook dog track last night and saw some guys wearing Ring wrecker t-shirts. I would like to know more history of this club and the connection to Amesbury, Ma. I had never heard of the club before and have lived in Amesbury since about !976.
it seems to me someone resurected the name very recently, as it says they were established in 1954, and never saw them at any shows until this season. i don'y know. looks like a good show tomorrow though. i'll be there. maybe we can get a history lesson there?
well we started in 1955 and if you look up any books on the original hotrod clubs from the fifties we are in it,, true the last 30 years we have been few and have had familys etc, but always had our club and plaques on the cars,, then we(the 13) talked to the original mmemebers of the ring reckers and joined and revamped the club to alittle more modern,, like instaed of our dues beening 25 cents we changed it hahahahaha all out rules and club values are still the ol skool ones... [email protected] one of me email if you wish to know more...
to answer the question.. we and our original members from the start in 55 do and have been to most of al the shows,, but with all the new member it might seem like we are coming out of nowhere...