I have been teaching myself to pinstripe. The brushes are odd there is a hell of a learning curve but I am finally at a point that I like to do it and have a bit more confidence. I started earlier this year, some of the design elements (or parts of them) have been "borrowed" but I have tried to do my own as much as I can. My first ever (back in Feb) This past week or so... My pinstriping box My bandsaw A helmet I did for John A guitar for a friend of my neighbor My bucket
wow, nice job! I'd love to learn to stripe but if I pick up another hobby, especially if it costs money, I think the wife will throw me out.
Yes, you are! Just keep at it. Stripe everyday and remember, once you become proficient in pulling a good line, it's all about design, design, design there after... Joel
I like the fact that yoyu already have straight lines in the mix! Pretty soon youll be giving kickbacks to the salesman at the local Honda,BMW and Lexus dealerships.
I think it looks pretty good, I have my own to try and get better at but right now I am concentrating on my art. Good luck and good job!
When I first started striping ,I thought that I was getting pretty good until I watched a real pro stripe a car, I could see then that I had a long way to go. Now after 30+ years in the biz, I enjoy seeing guys like you starting out on the journey . Take it slow and pay attention to the details . good luck
Thats funny i told my wife i wanted a striping starter kit from coast airbrush by the old house and she was like NO!!!!
Hey, I would pay, if I had the bucks at the right time. It does seem to be progressing well. You obvisiosly have artistic talent. I've talked to you before I think I've got the 52 buick special. Which is actually on the road now, still pops and sputters some when given fuel though. Maybe it just needs to be driven some more?
you're doin a great job, keep at it its not that expensive, just dont buy the kit yet, nothing against the kit but dont spend the money until you know its something you want to do,a brush only runs around $12 and a can of one shot $8 - $12
^^ I agree completely, that's exactly what I did 1 can and one brush. Now, I will have to say that's grown a bit but that's how I started...
Looks like you are off to a good start!!!! Just remember to have fun and don't let yourself get frustrated!!!!!
Ain't that the truth. I started to become a bit better when I stopped being so critical of everything and trying to make everything within machinist specs. I had to switch out of that mindset that its never going to be "perfect" and I have enjoyed it much, much more.
Very impressive progress, I have tried it, "ain't easy" congrats on the lines. Keep on pulling em and laying em down. Atta Boy!! ~Sololobo~
Thanks again for all the compliments guys, I decided to offer the freebie service to all Michigan peeps on here. GMB link