"innocent seduction"... interesting combination of ideas, Ryan. The forms of seduction and our inundation threshold have changed as society has changed but that's not whats in question. To dress up tattoo sleeved chicks in traditional swimsuits is a farce from the perspective I think Ryan is suggesting. Today's pin-up examples are aimed at too broad a base to be pure to the form in question. They push too hard. What appeals to hotrodders has changed as hotrodders have changed. If one took the core idea of innocent seduction and applied it to a simple young gal with similar proportions, we can still take cloth and make vintage garments and create the same hairstyles and have an innocently seductive female that will add to the subject, not distract from the subject. It's possible. Its no different than what the best at the form do to certain period-perfect traditional cars, and that comparison may help more of us realize just how difficult a job a pure traditional pin-up would be to create. Pin-ups of the form in question would certainly be more of a weird fetish today in the respect that they used to be mainstream art; I would suggest the cars that are the epitome of this journal, to the general public, are most certainly a weird fetish as well. The perfect pin-up would be an extreme niche, even within the HAMB ranks, but oh how strangely gratifying when pulled off...