Hello Fellas, I have been searching around on the ol google machine for someone who makes 1 piece front windows and runners i.e. window hardware for my 53 Bel Air and cannot seen to find anyone. What I'm looking to do it eliminate the wing window after my car comes back from chop. Any ideas?
If your chopping it you will probably have to fabricate new runners,it's really not that difficult. HRP
True, want that worried about the runners but mostly the glass. Any one have any pics of the runner and the glass?
i have never even seen one piece glass for a 53 54 chev,the door angles at the vent window,which would mean metal work to the top of the door to make it staight,doable but a fair amount of work
I might be wrong, been a few years since I worked on a 53 but I think the vent window is angled compared to the door glass, makes it tough to put in one piece windows without rework of the door tops inside and out. I also seem to remember a clearance issue with the hinge pockets. Like I said, I might be wrong but it would pay to check those things out before getting too far. FWIW anytime I see a chop top without vent windows I think the person chopping is either too lazy to fit a vent frame or doesn't have the skill to do it. I always want to see a nicely fitted vent, to me it's a sign of a quality chop.