somebody with the November 1952 issue of Motor Trend post the cover on here..The shoebox on the cover is in my garage....and yeah,it's different....even then it was kinda out there,but the more I look at it,the more interesting it is
I think some on here would disagree Continued posts by Rikster & the Frenz seem to always get a lot of feedback. Some from THIS generation don't even know what Kaiser guards look like.
Hey Anthony, are you coming to the Turkey Rod Run? I need my aircleaner striped. You gotta place to stay if you need.
I have an 1957 Olds called the Oriental that's been sitting in a garage for 40 years. A Top show car. The work was done be Herb Gary on Long Island.
I heard Russ Gradys son has the car.Are you him?????Wow if you are or you arent CONGRATS!!!!!I loved that car when it was Black.This is deserving of its own thread.Herb Gary is my hero and I could write a book about him.I have ols photos of the Oriental.Is the car gold with the hand railings still???Meeting Herb Gary in Rhinebeck N.Y. was one of the highlights of my life!!!!!!
GR Is that the Olds with the bubble hood and the plexi insert in the roof? Is it still metalflake? Herb Gary did some fine work on it. Would be nice to see some pictures as it is today.
Yes Mr Powell!!!!!How are ya???Herb Gary supposedly lives here in Fl now along with the great Willie Wild who Rod P can tell us all about.
Herb Gary supposedly lives here in Fl now!He still has the Aztec which was a sectioned 49 Plymouth with 56 Lincoln 1/4 panels.All the guys I know say his work rivaled that of Valley Custom!
I knew that !!!!!Show some pics of his other merc which was unfortunately wrecked!Oh and thanks one more time for all that cool stuff you used to send me when I was 11.I still have the shirt with your chopped Buick!!!
this is here in So.Cal. it is surrounded by cars, these are the best pic.s I could get. there is a small pic. of it in an old Hot Rod mag somewhere.
Ooooh that is a great Sports Custom find. I knew about this one... I think it was mentioned in RPW's magazine a few years ago. Does the car still sit there today... looking sad like that!!! Here are two photos of it in better days.... somebody needs to restore it.
YOWZA! Let's see some pics of the Oriental Olds! Was a favorite of mine when I was a kid, to, Anthony! At least, in the first version...wasn't as crazy about the bamboo, and see thru roof. Hopefully GR won't sell it to some rich geek in CA to restore!
There's been a bunch of old customs posted as being bought and a restoration started. How about some updates out there.-MIKE