Hey ya'll after a long search and no luck i decided to post here... i have a 49 Ford thats waiting for a donor...it needs a trani and a motor and someone to put it in... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
@ second amendment...well my momma always said "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity"...
Excuse me and if you will take a few minutes to read,,we all have posted a intro at one time or another,,, It is Ryan's rule and his site,,coming in an giving other members a hard time will not be tolerated and can get you banned pretty quick,,it's your choice. Just a heads up. HRP
Hmm.. Not everyday you hear a woman who says "introduction???? why... i'd rather get str8 to the point"....
Welcome from Kansas. This is the intro board, not the main board. So how's not reading the sticky first,or if you have, then not following instructions workin for you? And by the way, its 1st amendment for freedom of speech, 2nd if for guns. So, if you want to get some respect, try giving it first. Bear already reached out to you with an offer to help, and there are lots of others on here willing to do likewise. Just lose the 'tude, and get of on the right foot by following some basic and stated rules. Read the sticky - This is the intro page, tell us about yourself, what brought you here, cars you have (pre-65), projects planned or in progress. HAMB Navigation 101... the intro sticky http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44274 the main board - general forum http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=5 Welcome to the H.A.M.B. Willy P
Well got to give ya this. You've got everybody rollin. Just a short intro, you know, something like! " Hi there, I just finished appearing on an episode of the Jerry Springer show and am looking for new friends"!!!!!!
Welcome from Oklahoma. There are a lot of wonderful, intelligent and willing to help people on the HAMB and all they ask is that you follow the rules. No one is trying to start an argument here.