Sorry to see Your Type III burn.. I always have that fear with mine. Daddio, it looks like a Squareback or fastback that was cutoff to be a roadster, but can't be 100%.
Yeah, I couldn't tell either. But its cool and I like it! Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
The type 3 vert is made from squarebacks one 68 and one 72 and was euqipt with a type 4 engine and porsche 914 five speed gearbox /Stefan
Wow that engine looks amazing, and VW looks devastating. A friend here in NZ has a wagon version, pretty sweet car
Stefan, I know you probably have enough connections, but if you need anything for the Type III, let me know.. I have a bit of a stash that I keep around for all my VWs... it's also a distance to ship, but let me know.
Can you post a pic of the taillights for that VW? I have a set of taillights from a VW I bought at a swapmeet I am thinking of using in a build that are really cool, they look like they would fit in that car of yours that burned. I have never seen any like these and wondered what they came from. Jim 62-69 Euro type ones... 1970-74 ones... 1962-69 tail lights are in this thread....
OK, in the last link the 4th pic down looks like the taillights I have other than mine are completly red, no yellow on them, all red with the chrome trim, really nice for a car with a slight fin on the rear, I think they will really throw people off when I find the right car to build around them LOL, thats pretty bad when I buy a set of taillights for 5 bucks at a swapmeet and now I am searching for the car to fit them into to make them look just right, I know there is a car out there just begging to have these as a custom treatment! Thanks for the help in identifying them! Jim
Cool, thanks for the info! So since you have a shoebox tell me what you think of this, I am thinking of flatening the windsplit on the side of mine, extending the 1/4's a bit and putting these taillights on my car, how do you think they would look since you likely have a set sitting around you can hold up to your car and kind envision. Jim
That's not so dangrus to post little vw discusiton on my post And now it will be som Ford Flathead update insted I have re rout the pipiing to my oil filter adpter Now will it be more space for the rack & pinoin stering with the filter back under the starter /Stefan
Thanks for the coment I think to use this plate as thigger to the speedometer i have before made so i can trig in the rear axle but i think will work better on the drive shaft insted /Stefan
a qustion to all Shall i use a Holly or a Edelbrock Carb on my blown flathead ??? With looks best? whith is the best of them? or should i use some other carb? /Stefan
Holley looks a lot better, but if you're like me and tuning a carbs is regarded as PFM you might be better off with the Edelbrock. Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
How good are your tuning skills, Stephan? I personally like the Holley for ease of set-up, but SU's or Webers would look badass. An inline Autolite would be killer but they are hard to find and worse to find parts for here in the states, probably impossible in Europe. Kevin