I have a question regarding a Model A interior... is there a window garnish molding on the doors of a 28 Model A?? I have a lower piece that goes at the bottom of the window, but i was wondering if there is a piece that goes around the window like what is in the back sides of a Sedan as well?? Just in the process of bodyworking everything and need to know if yuo see that portion of the door or if something covers it up?
The 1928 & 1929 window interior trim / moulding is pretty primitive. My sedan only has the bottom moulding / trim and the top piece of sheetmetal on the door to access the glass. I can easily see the window channel on my car. Pretty simple stuff back then. If everything is painted, it looks ok.
Thanks guys, thats what i was thinking must be the case as there was no holes in my door edge where a molding may have gone. Guess i have to do some more sanding haha.