OK, so I thought I'd post an update on where I'm at with the documentary on Minnesota Dragways. John Foster Jr. (his dad ran MN Dragways) contributed over 2000 pictures and slides to the project as well as hours of 8mm and 16mm film. I've got everything captured, now I have to organize everything. I'm still looking for film or pictures from 1972 to the close of the track in 1976. My plan is to organize and identify who's in the pictures and film. Then I'm going to finish the outline and hopefully by this summer I will be doing the interviews. I put up a website to document the progress for those that might be interested. The URL is: www.mndragways.com I've also (with John Foster Jr. permission) put together 4 posters made from old pictures from the collection that are for-sale on the website. I'm selling these to help fund the cost of the project, so check them out, there are 3 different sizes and 4 poster package deals. Here are the posters (the watermark will be removed from the actual posters): Rails [/URL] Funny Cars [/URL] The Early Years [/URL] Doorslammers [/URL] Check them out, bookmark the site and hopefully by late fall or this winter this project will be done. Let me know if you might have anything to contribute to the project, especially from the years 1972-76
My Dad raced there back in the early to mid 70's (about 74' or 75') with a guy named Doug Wiest (sp). They raced a 68'or 69 Satellite and ran undefeated for like two years but I don't remember what class. It was a blue car with a primer grey front clip. His friend took lots of pictures back then but the guy died in 86' but we are still friends with his wife I can talk to her and see if she's still got them but I doubt it.
Speed Gems, that would be great. I set up at the GSTA car show a few weeks ago with these posters and talked to a bunch of people who had some great memories, it was fun. Drop me a PM if she happens to still have them.
I'm really glad to hear about the project. I raced there with friends in 64-67 as a kid and have a lot of great memories. I will definitely follow this project and buy a poster or two. Here is a question that you might know the answer to. Who owned the custom Merc with the wild metalflake paint that was often parked near the concession stand closest tot he tower? If my memory is right it was pink and looked great.Any idea? Photos? Thanks for doing this.
The last of the posters in the two lower corners, is there a chance that either or both of those cars are Warren Johnson's early pro stock efforts? Back in the late sixties and early seventies, Warren worked for my dad's company Racing Unlimited as our in house engine builder. I remember his first pro stock car to be a Blue '69 Camaro that was endlessly tested and tuned in the long parking lot/"dragstrip" at our Cleveland road/B2 location...