Well, I thought I'd post an update on the progress of the documentary I'm doing on Minnesota Dragways. Hoping to start interviews next month. I have and interview with Tommy Ivo setup as well as about a dozen local racers and another dozen I have to setup yet. I've been sorting through about 2000 slides and pictures that John Foster Jr. donated to the project along with hours of 8mm and 16mm film. I'm still in need of pictures and footage from 1973 to the close of the track in 1976. I also am looking for some people who could talk about the last years. Also, if anyone has pictures after the track was closed and before it was bulldozed for development those would be great too. I'm also looking for contact information for: Lowel Isenberg - He was John Fosters right hand man when the track opened TJ Snow - He managed the track from about 1973 to the close after John Foster was done managing I'm not the best at blogging, but I have a site that I put up for those that want to follow the progress, the URL is http://www.mndragways.com. I'll try to add the newest progress there as well as upload a few pics out of this collection. Please let me know if you have the contact info on Lowel or JT and if you have pics or film of the later years that you would like to donate to the project.
I have one photo of the strip, taken from the compost site before they developed the land into bellybutton homes.
Did the Olson family have anything to do with this? Not sure, though I heard they owned at the end. Bill
Best of luck with your documentary! When I was 15, I talked my dad into taking the family to go on a 160 mile drive to Minn. Dragways. That was back in '69. KDWB AM was sponsering a funny car race and they gave away the "K Dune W Buggy", a dune buggy. Sorry I can't help out with pictures, but I do have some great memories of that dragstrip. Last time I was there was in '75. I was sorry to hear that they shut down a year or two later.
A buddy and I raced a D-Altered there in 1961-62. I think he has some pictures from back then. If you have any interest in them, let me know.
KDWB....."63, That's easy to remember" Good to hear this is still on track. I had an old friend that used to flat tow a '55 Chevy sedan there. It had the engine out of the Nomad in my avatar in it. 1967 era. He used to have home movies of the times he raced. Iffen I ever run into him again, I'll ask about them.
Sounds like a very interesting project to take on. Best of luck and can't wait to see how it turns out. Jimbo
That would be great if it isn't too much trouble. Just scan it and e-mail it to me at [email protected], thanks!!!!
Just wanted to update this page. I've got 9 interviews done so far and I'm starting the script. After the script is done I'll be doing a second round of interviews to fill in the gaps. Hope to have this done by the summer some time. The documentary should be at least an hour long and then I hope to put something together with the photos/footage I didn't use.
I used to like seeing Tom Hoover's fueler there when I was a kid, have you stopped by Hoover Wheel Alignment in Mpls. to talk to them? "KDWB...Channel 63"
Just thought I update the progress. I've a few more interviews and will scheduling more in the next few weeks. I have a script written and will be doing voice-overs soon. Hope to start editing before too long and with any luck I hope to have it done by the GSTA show in the spring. I put up a website to also follow progress, it http://mndragways.com
I'm sure the cad guy is busy at the GSTA show, but I bought the finished dvd today. Great job Jim! I was definitely born too late.
I'll be watching this thread closely. My '66 L72 Biscayne was raced there extensively under the banner of 'Rat Trap' when owned by Dick Ribaudo (RIP) who was from Duluth. Any information on my car would be certainly appreciated.