I'm just stoked that there's so many HAMBers up there...Louisiana seems to be coming up, but there isn't really an established scene here. Alot of muscle cars...and donks
Hi. I'm Nick. I've got the chevy in this avatar and 2 vintage Honda bikes. I love to have gearhead company. The Cheaters are alright, but ya gotta watch out for people claimin' to to be sock fuckers ( just kididing the the the sock fuckers are great guys,,,the far away hoodlums are ver kool as well). Welcome. Once you get settled DO NOT FORGET,,attend the Nite Owl CHEATERS show in august,,,,it is grade A -- Kick Ass!,,,,I wish you save travels,,,Nick
Welcome to the Badger State, I live in Jackson - 20 minutes North of Milwaukee. Near Slinger Speedway. Everyone here is correct, plenty to do and see. A couple of my personal favorites are Wayne's Drive-In on Thursday Nights @ 5 Corners in Cederburg also, the collectable toy shows at Serb Hall and Waukesha Expo Center ar good if your into collectables, models ect.
Yeah, I know the thread is old, but figure you're getting close to moving here now. Summerfest starts this week, and is a good cross-section of music, food, and beer. For local cruse nights and shows, this is a pretty comprehensive list: http://www.wisconsinhotrodradio.com/whrrCarShowWEEKLY.html Welcome, and enjoy! (That stuff they say about the Sock F@%kers is TRUE!)