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Looming Canadian Crush Out

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Arominus, May 11, 2011.

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  1. Arominus
    Joined: Feb 2, 2011
    Posts: 394


    I was over at the forward look and saw this posted up, its a lot of foward look mopars but i also saw a 51 ford coupe listed and some other goodies. Its in Alberta. The owner sold the farm as it were and has until august to move the cars out.

    Hopefully some of these get saved!
  2. koolkemp
    Joined: May 7, 2004
    Posts: 6,006


    I had noticed a bunch of those cars on Kijiji out west, this explains that now!
  3. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
    Staff Member

    Thats a real has a 392 and another has a place is farther than driving to Texas from Palookaville!!

    A real shame to let a virgin 392 get crushed.

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  4. Arominus
    Joined: Feb 2, 2011
    Posts: 394


    It'd be a shame if that car got robbed of its motor. That would make a sweet ride with a little work.
  5. I really like the '63 Savoy coupe - SUPER RARE 4 door version!

  6. Toner283
    Joined: Feb 13, 2008
    Posts: 1,325


    Is it just me or do the prices seem a little high for a "gotta clear them out sale"?

    What will they get from the scrapper per car? $400? $450?

    Would be a better plan IMO to sell them off for $650-700 each rather than have nobody bite at 1-2G's per car and then only get $3-400 per car in scrap value.
  7. Exactly. With exorbitant prices like those listed, they are guaranteeing that they will end up being crushed. I don't know if they would even bring 300 per car as scrap;2000 for a scrap car is not even serious.
  8. bct
    Joined: Apr 4, 2005
    Posts: 3,173


    the guy makes a pro style web site and sells cars. do you think he will really crush them ?
    he is just playing with your love of cars for a sale ....
  9. You guys would shit if you came to Saskatchewan or Alberta. There is so much shit like this at farms. About a month ago there was an add in Saskatchewan Kijiji where someone bought a new farm and was giving the cars away for free. I know of a yard about 3 hours from me with about 400 cars a lot of them being solid model As, a '32 truck, and some pretty solid two doors. To bad nobody want to make traditional hot rods or kustoms. They just build gay ass lifted hillbilly trucks.
  10. If this is true, a well equipped opportunistic hot-rodder could support his habit and then some.
  11. Yes, but the car scene is horrible here. It is a little better in Alberta with L.G. Kustoms and the Clutch Poppers C.C. but Saskatchewan sucks for cars. Everybody here is either into imports or lifted trucks. I work at an auto parts store here with 90% of the staff being younger than me, and whenever a riced out Fast & the Furious car pulls up they freak out. All the people my age here want to import a right hand drive import from Japan (Don't ask me, but it's the latest trend here to have a right hand drive car???) There is a club here called the Northside Streetrods and they have a couple cool cars, but thats about it. People just are not into that sort of stuff here, it's kind of sad. Also everybody beats the crap out of there car and don't care, or don't have any respect for their vehicles.
  12. 52Poncho
    Joined: Apr 23, 2011
    Posts: 256


    Mitchell you have a poor view of your local rodders. I have seen many BC, Alberta, Sask and Manitoba cars done to high standards. You must running in the wrong crowd or something, but then maybe your a bit young and haven't been to many show and shines and rod runs. The scene here is quite comparable to the US given the population difference.

    As for the posts of the car sales in Canada, beware of some (as they are worded). The market is slow due to high gas prices. Time to make deals though (remember they ask a million and settle for what they can get). ;)
  13. Well, I have been to shows all over the world, and not much here. I mean there are some really top notch built street rods and modern styled cars, but I have not seen many traditional cars here. I didn't say anything about B.C. I actually was born and grew up there. There are lots of wild cars there. I know there are also a couple clubs in Calgary with some cool cars. I have been back in Regina for about three months now, and I have seen one custom. And it was just lowered with bellflowers exhaust. Wasn't even shaved nosed or decked. I suppose I am hanging around the wrong crowd. I went to a show in Estevan last year and it was all r** rods I heard the word r** rod said a million times by people there. I have never seen so much rust, brabed wire, street signs, liscence plates, rubber rats, and skulls in one place.
  14. henryj429
    Joined: Jan 18, 2007
    Posts: 1,084


    How about the Majestics? They're a small group of mostly old farts, but they are carrying the torch for hot rodding.
  15. I believe you're looking at too close. Broadening the picture, you have access to what appears as unwanted junk in your region , in other regions that junk is a highly sought and valuable commodity.
  16. The guys selling usually don't see it as unwanted junk around here. Most seem to hold on to everything like they are going to be taking it with them when they go.
  17. bct
    Joined: Apr 4, 2005
    Posts: 3,173


    demoor....your closed mind is your biggest problem. just cuz you don't like it doesn't make it "gay" disrespect them more than they you.....i sure as fuck wouldn't hang with ya. good luck with your quest for friends.
  18. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
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  19. Greezeball
    Joined: Mar 12, 2006
    Posts: 743


    X2 on that. You can aproach the farmer on something and as soon as he figures someone wants it it's gotta be worth at least a grand and that's why a lot of these guys have fields of them and a lot of them won't sell any parts even. I passed a farm and noticed a bunch of early 50s chevys, cars and trucks. I pulled up and asked if he'd sell some parts he says sure lets go have a look. Well we get to the vehicles and he notices someone has stolen the grill and GMC emblem from one of the trucks and he starts freakin' out on me sayin' I probably stole it or know who did. I told him he was fucked in the head and got the hell out of there.:eek: Oh and this place is about 150 miles from me so I aint makin no midnight runs to swipe shit.:rolleyes:

  20. Mitchell I hear what your saying. I used to live in So-Cal, just like you. In fact I had the same kind of think going as you did with Gambino. Except I was working for Kiwi Konnection in Bakersfield. Squeek and some of the local bakersfield hot rodders took me under their wing and showed me the ways.
    When I moved back to Alberta I came across the same stuff you did. All the young guys are in to lifted diesel trucks or tuners. All the old guys drive their dated 80's & 90's style street rods and had no interest in traditional stuff or young hot rodders.
    So what happened? I started building traditional style stuff on my own. Eventually I met this kid at a gas station driving a 53 Monarch, lowered with spotlights and a two carbed flathead. He was still in high school.
    I invited him over, we started hanging out and he told me how he loves roadsters and wants to build a pre-war period correct model A. We have been good friends since. His name is Matt, and he has worked here at LG Kustoms since he graduated high school in 2007.
    Eventually I met a few other young guys who like traditional hot rods, but like me, they didn't think anyone else in town was in to them. Some of them had cars they were building, but needed help and guidance and the support of friends. Thats when the Clutch Poppers were formed. Since then more and more tradtional hot rodders have been coming out of the sticks and starting to hang out. In 2009 Johnny was invited in to the Clutch Poppers with Dave and I.
    Matt and Graham (Old Soul) started the Old Souls CC and build only traditonal style cars.
    There is lone wolves coming by the shop more and more with their traditional styled cars. Every day there more and more coming out, and it's getting bigger and better.
    It's no So-Cal, or Austin Texas, but compared to what was going on up here 5 or 10 years ago it's improved 100%.
    I don't know if this is still making sence, or if i'm just rambling now, but the whole point of this is. If you are unhappy where your at, do something about it. Don't sit on the sidelines complaining and wait for some one else to make it happen, cause it wont! Or if you don't want to, come up to Edmonton and hang out with us, we could always use more like minded people here.

    Sorry to hi-jack this thread, I doubt the old cars will get crushed, there is Ad's like that all the time here when the price of scrap goes up. It's just a scare tactic to get someone to buy them and "save them from the crusher".
  21. Ahh fuck you wouldn't hang out with me? What am I going to do now? I actually like other stuff as well, just don't talk about it on here as it doesn't belong here. For example I like vans, lowriders, and bombs. But this is for traditional hot rods and kustoms only. I am pretty sure that if I started a thread about a lifted '76 Caprice with a panel paint job, Cragars, etc. People would be pissed off and the thread would be closed.

    I hear ya man. I do go to other events and try and hang around other people. I never really intended this thread to go that far, people get worked up about nothing. I am hoping to do an Edmonton event this year hopefully. What is a good one to attend? You guys seem awesome wouldn't mind checking you guys out (not in a gay way!).

    And to the o/p I never intended for this shit storm, sorry!!
  22. Chizel
    Joined: Feb 3, 2009
    Posts: 4

    from Regina

    I find it funny you trash the local scene here Demoor, how would you even know what it is? You have never even attended a local event, I know this as I am at them all. I have never even seen your 56 & I am the one who found you the car! Maybe you should make an attempt to attend some events before running your mouth. There are plenty of traditional rods & customs here, but it's hard for you to check them out from behind your computer screen.
  23. I have been going to car shows here for 11 years. I have never taken the '56 to a show because as soon as I bought it I moved it to the States. I never meant to bash the scene here. There are some awesome cars. I just meant for the most part there are not many of them. You have to admit that most people are into other things such as imports, trucks, etc. This has gotten way out of hand. I am not bashing the scene at all there is Chad's Monarch, Brent's Pontiac, Chad's '32, that light blue '60 Impala, Mr. Welta's '32, that rad Econoline with the side oiler in the back at all the shows, etc.
  24. Kruzer63
    Joined: Dec 6, 2004
    Posts: 638


    You have to open your eyes and get out to more stuff before you make it like there is nothing kool here or in sask. The scene maybe not as big as california, but its still here with a lot more cars then what you have even mentioned here. Its funny you say you have been going to shows here for 11 years, yet in 11 years i dont recall having ever actually met you or seen your rides at any events around here.
  25. Chizel
    Joined: Feb 3, 2009
    Posts: 4

    from Regina

    Our club (Northside) alone has 12 nostalgia rods / kustoms with 6 more currently being built, the Hooligans have 5 & also have more in the works, Majestics also have at least 3 nostalgia rides, these are just 3 clubs in one city, and we are already at 20 cars – not bad for a city our size I would say, and this is not to mention all the others that are not in clubs & elsewhere in the province. Just because the majority of the people with these cars are not posting our every action on this forum, doesn’t mean we are not around. We are busy actually building cars & going to events, meeting actual people, and have a blast doing so. I suggest you start taking your car out, even when nothing is on, go for a cruise, we are out quite a bit, you would know this if you were ever out. And I don’t know what shows you have been going to, maybe the antique auto meets or what, but you sure are not where we are. I invited you a few times last year, both of which you never came, and invited you to Sask’s biggest nostalgia rod/kustom get together Hot Rod Hi-Jinx & only got a “maybe” response. You need to get off the computer & realize all that is around you. Sorry to the poster of this thread, /end hijack.
  26. I never said there was no cool cars here, I just said I wish it was a bigger scene. I have often told people about some of your guys's cars in my travels, I have even told people about your club. I'm not that old I just got my '56 after getting my license and I took it down to California right now to go apprentice at a shop down there. It is still down there as I have not had the time or money to bring it back up. I met you at that one show at the Ford dealership on Rochdale that one year. Don't know if you remember or not. I didn't have my license then which is why I didn't have a car.

    I want to go to the Hot Rod Hi-Jinx I am planning on it, but have to look after my sick grandfather and work full time and don't know if I will get that day off. If I can come I will come. The events I have been to are the Burger Baron ones, A&W ones, Ford dealership ones, Moose Jaw stuff, Saskatoon stuff, and the TnT rodz open house, and the ones at the Douglass building. Reason I never had a car there before was I didn't have a license. Once I got my '56 I took it to the States right away but I did see your dads badass '32 when cruising it one night.

    To the o/p I'm so sorry about all of this, I should not have opened my big fucking mouth.
  27. Jeff Norwell
    Joined: Aug 20, 2003
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    Jeff Norwell
    Staff Member

    Drama is useless.
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