What happened to the other posts on this thread? Deleted by the author?? Administrator? Or was the subject not HAMB friendly?
must have been deleted by the moderater. when I went back last night to check it, it said that this sight was NOT for street rods of the 80's !!! said it was off-topic.
At the top of this page, in red-"New to the H.A.M.B." Next page, first post, written by a cat named Ryan. He owns the place. There are not many rules and they are simple. Read 'em and comply or weep. I'm not the police, just trying to give you information that will aid your stay. Traditional hot rods and customs, 1965 and earlier.
I was asking about a '27 T that was rebuilt by Lil John Buttera around 1980. he didn't need to waste the replies that I never saw. o well.