Well said. WELL said. The kick up is refreshing rather than the straight pieces of rectangle tube. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I used a beaver tail and a router, seriously.. no pun or nothin'. I wish I would have taken pictures, it was about a 5 minute operation once I got it set up
Hello friends, it's been a while. How are you? I'm fine thanks for asking. I have some updates. More to come in the next few weeks, hopefully.
PROGRESS! the whole works got blown apart again and the frame went up on the operating table to be boxed. I like the look of setting the plates into the frame so I cut the plates to fit then tack welded small pieces of 1" square tube on the insides of the plates every few feet, clamped them in and welded. I've still got some welding to do but it seemed to work slicker than snot.
frame is all welded up, put some stuff together and rolled it outside. I might bring the rear up a little more but so far I'm pretty happy!
Lookin good. Good luck with that passengers side door and quarter panel. Looks a little rough but nothing a hammer and dolly and a little bit o mud can't handle.
So I decided I needed more like 4.5 - 5" in the back which worked out perfect because I could just replace the stock rear crossmember with a flat one. It still needs a little work but I think it's sitting just right now. Out comes the old, good start to the next project in goes the new. 'm going to add a plate to the back for strength, it started as a 1"x3" tube. A flat trunk floor will be nice! and here's how she sits.