Hi, i just listed a car for sale its a 4 door 64 impala project. I was told to list for 9,000.00 but on looking around im seeing lower prices. But nothing for 4doors. And the cars ive seen are not west coast cars. So i was told because of how solid this car is to list it for this price. Im just wondering if its a fair price. Ive had offers as much as 13,000 on the east coast but id have to get it there and im on the west coast. The link for it is here https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/1964-chevrolet-impala-4-door.1330203/ any info or suggestions would be helpful. Thankyou in advance.
Shipping is always on the buyer. I wouldn't trust anyone that said they would buy but you had to deliver it
That is what i thought and said because he kept saying no to a deposit because what if i didnt show up. I said exactly! So send a hawler to pick it up and deliver it. And paypal me on pick up.