So I just moved to Janesville Wi and was wondering I anyone was near bye with info on local car shows?? Wanna get back into the screen an I'm not familiar with the area anymore. :/ has most car show / cruise nights listed for southern Wisconsin. Great folks eh' they represent and support the hobby well.
Try This site site: Also, John Wells (coolstuff) here on the HAMB started this thread. Many of these shows are relatively close to Janesville, WI Moto-Static is this weekend June 15 in Pardeeville, WI at Chandlner Park Cruise-In's Albion Park, Edgerton, WI June 12 July 10 August 14 Sept 11 Fort Atkinson Cruise-in June 18 July 16 Aug 20 Don't forget Cheaterama in Milwaukee. Aug. 24
check this out: my friend's Tom and Kathy manufacture and market the Kent's Big Bar ice cream bars. they publish a show schedule. see the link. hope to run into you soon
hey welcome.. check out hotrod radio.. Captain Bob & Arlo.. use the google machine to find contact info. hope to see you around sincerely, cheatercarl