I picked these up today off of craigslist along with a ton of other wall hangers. I am not sure what year they are as they have no date marking. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
That looks like them! So I would say they are 47-53. Also after seeing the $200 price tag for one on that site, I feel like I stole the set for what I paid!!!
Those are not real sombreros, they are an aftermarket knockoff with a slightly different profile than the real ones and they are made with the clips on the outer rim so that you can put them on any 15" rim, say for example an early ford or merc rim. Here is a real one.
They are real caddy hubcaps, just the later style, (51-52?) I cant remember the year break. I have a bunch of them, I am using them on my 47 cadillac because they do not have the earlier style mouting cap that only fits early wheels. I find them for $20-$40 each depending on condition.
Thanks for the info guys! I paid $50 for these and a few misc chevy and olds hub caps as well, so I think I did pretty good.
My old 51 coupe had 4 of them in the trunk-not my cup of tea. Still looking for stainless sombreros to put on it.
The earlier sombreros must of been made of a pretty poor grade of stainless, this was one of the good ones on my fleetwood. A couple had the edges completely rotted off!