As far as I Why would you want to reverse it? If it is a traditional side steer setup with the pitman arm pointing down (just like it is used in an F1), you won't need to reverse it.
You are right.... I just went and looked. lol But my goal is to make a cowl setup come out the side of my 30 model A and now I don't know how I would shorten the steering column so that I can mount the box under the dash to run it out the side of the body.... Man I wish dad was still here to give me his ideas.
oh okay i wasnt being rude i was just asking,well its pretty easy,hang on a sec here, ill edit my post with what i did ..okay so you basicly take the whole box apart, remove the side plate (the adjuster) and the lower plate, then you take off that clamp around the column that holds it to the box, slide the column up( a small bearing type thing will pop out and spring up top, now your left with the actual shaft, you can cut that down and weld it back, come to think of it i didnt even take anything apart to shorten it, i just rebuilt the box a few time to shorten the box itself esentialy you can do it without taking it apart
just checkin, some may think i was being rude, you may have a problem tho with how short the sector shaft is, youl need the column in the right place in the car but that will cause you to have the sector shaft way inside the car, i have heard of it being lengthed or making a longer one but thats beyond my skill. i just know how to tear the boxes apart and shorten the box itself to fit in the stock model A spot
Thats awesome advice... I will have to try this tomorrow and see what I can come up with... Would you happen to have a pic of your finished product?? No rush, Just wondering. It's just a little easier for me if I can see what your talkin bout. Thanks a million!! Larry
well my box is fully done and on my car, it doesnt look any different from a stock 49 box and column except i took a few inches out of the column and changed the mounting flange on the box. you can cut the column with it all together with a cut off wheel, and leave the inner shaft, then cut the inner shaft and weld it( GOOD) and then weld the outer column back (to retain the bearing) also a tip is to weld up the inner shaft, but also slide metal tube over it and weld that on both sides as well (to make your modification stronger. i have driven my car and turned while not moving, wich takes effort, and so far t he column is fine.
Well if ya get a chance, even a pic of how you mounted it would be very helpful... Im new to all this cowl shtuff so any little bit helps lol
mines isnt mounted cowl style, mine is traditional were the stock model A box was. i changed due to the size and strength of the f1 over the A box. all i know on mounting one cowl style would be to make sure its on some strong mounts! (reinforce the body and such) steering takes a lot of abuse and alot of force. im not sure how you would get the sector shaft to work for cowl steering with an f1 box. may i ask why it has to be cowl steering?