I just installed these aftermarket hubcaps on my '34 pickup and although they snapped on easily, I can spin them on the wheel. Is this normal or is there a solution without bending them to fit tighter?
Not normal hell no. Silicone dabs around the edge will probably be easier & better than bending them, OR put some bars on & call them spinners. heh heh he . Sorry the devil made me say it.
Like Bob says, put a dab of clear silicone on the little bumps that the cap snaps into and let it set up. Sometimes a mix of aftermarket caps and/or original wheels or wheels and caps from different sources can cause this problem. Don't try to bend the caps.
I hope you called the supplier and complained, maybe a partial refund? If we don't complain they will keep shipping the same junk. Charlie Stephens
Never had that problem, I had issues with getting them on without denting them. But they are super tight.
Some of the repop caps are JUNK. I believe the Ford licensed products are heavier and fit correctly while the un-licensed stuff from, lets say speedway etc, is light weight cheap ____ that doesn't stay on the wheel very well. You can look inside your cap to see if the ring that contacts the wheel is a seperate piece or is part of the cap material. The two piece caps are the original, or better re-pops while the one piece construction is lighter cheap ____. Ask me how I know. Tim
Had the same problem on my F-1 rims with Vintique caps. After losing my second cap I drilled thru, tapped the holes,used small barrel type allen screws and when I got razzed for the tech, passed them off as "new style" balance weights. Still there, so are my caps,just remember to throw an allen wrench in your kit, long story and a 3rd cap. Mitch
I have the licensed repop '40 standard caps on my roadster's wheels and those fuckers are tight! They wouldn't come off in a rollover, I'm much more concerned about getting them off without damaging the paint on my wheels or denting the caps.
it may not be the caps accuracy that is at issue in all cases....I'm betting some of these are aftermarket wheels. A small variation in re-pop production dimensions, on either or both, could cause problems. Ray
Agree with repop wheels and repop caps. To get them off, I drilled a 1/8 inch hole near the edge of the cap. I have an old fashioned bent wire dent puller. Grab the hole, pulls cap right off. I align the little hole with the valve stem. They become almost not noticeable. Sent from my Nexus 7 using H.A.M.B. mobile app
On loose hubcaps, I wrap electrical tape around the inside perimeter of the cap (where the cap contacts the wheel), if not tight enough then 2-3 wraps. This method allows the hubcap to be put on and taken off several times without wearing out.
This was a Porsche factory 'trick' with 356es, but 2 holes 30 mm apart, right on the 'rim' of the cap. There was a stiff wire tool included in the tool kit. I used to laugh at the new owners that would stop in and ask, "What's this thing for?" I told 'em everything from a "whisk for German Strudel" to a "headlamp adjustment tool". I resented 'newbies with uninformed wallets'. I've grown since, however.
The trick I learned from @bchrismer is to make a relief cut with a cutoff wheel at 12 and 6 o clock on the back of the cap. The cut allows the inner cap to flex enough to get them on without too much force.
Thanks for the tip Dan. I only wished I had stopped and did the research before I dented my first new repop. They all fit nicley now.