OK, I'll say it. I see some vast hypocricy here. Most times when there is a theft mentioned in a thread many of you^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ are the first ones to call for castration, public hanging.............. etc. Not a knock on Ryan here, he has obviously made amends and turned it into a fine tale. But, many of you may want to think twice about jumping on a bandwagon next time.
I agree. A member got about 100 snide remarks just this week for making mention of weed and drinking in a thread. I don't drink or smoke, but I don't condemn others for doing it. The "holier than thou" claws only come out when it suits them, and when it doesn't involve a moderator or site founder, apparently.
I don't see it this way... Most ( or ALL ) of us have done stupid shit in our younger days. Laughing about it years later,remembering the idiocy of it all,is a far cry from condoning it. I'm glad Ryan wrote it. Reminded me of stuff I did years ago that i will NEVER admit now. We were all stupid once.......
Hahahaha! Great story! Oh yea, we all have similar stories, that's why we're hoodlums! (OK, so most of us are hopefully ex-hoodlums). Great read.
Im just trying to figure out why this is a headlining story? yes, what's done is done and you came clean, and everyone is young and dumb at one point, but what's good or cool about this story? I dont understand, maybe i'm not hardcore enough, I'd never steal from a fellow custom car or hot rod guy.
People do things as kids... Things that aren't right... It's part of growing up. At the end of the day, it's a life experience of mine. I've done worse... Much worse... And I've paid for it all in one way or another. At the end of the day, it's a story worth telling. But I'm not about to write some ABC special for ya'll. Sorry. My hypocrisy knows no bounds.
.....just tell your hoodlum friends outside, you aint got time to take a ride yackity yak........ Great story
Great writing, truly entertaining. Been there, done that - still feel bad about it. For the folks that are upset by it, follow my wife's advice: Don't try to make sense of it, it doesn't make sense and never will and that's OK.
to me the difference lays in the fact that the "thief" and the "victim" have sorted it out. Great Story Ryan. I felt like I was there.......
Ohhh... I can see the "Ryan Cochran is a Thief" message board or blog popping up and any moment. The leaches are hungry. They need to feed. But fuck it, what do I care? At the end of the day, I just wanna write whatever I wanna write. And I'm gonna continue to do that... Cuz that's what I love to do. And I'm pretty thankful that some folks like reading it. Those that don't, don't have to.
For the record, I didn't delete your post. However, I'll send you a pm. I wonder how many stolen cars the HAMB has helped in recovering?
Damn, I thought it was a pretty cool story about youthful innocence lost, peer pressure, and making it right in the end. Huh, turned into a shitstorm right quick...
I like the part about the police chase and the big explosions, and the ending when you drive the car off a cliff. Cool. Hope I'm not spoiling the plot.
I'll definitely have to rethink that idea of telling you guys about the "beer run" we made in high school only to be interrupted by a Texas Ranger with a twisted idea of negative reinforcement.
Very well writen story... "Da Injun "... wifes Blackfoot Sioux, Im guessing your a Poncho fan but my wife might not read it that way. Perspective bro... Perspective.
Spare me the goody-good bullshit. Most of us red-blooded Americans did some crazy shit when we were young, some really crazy shit, and by god, it is fun to reminisce and talk about it sometimes. Give me a break.