<--- I've run a full syncro 3 speed out of a late 60's early 70's truck since 1989. With a Hurst shifter it is pretty smooth and fool proof.
Yep, put one in the floor of my last 55 210, "3 spd in the floor" didnt sound as cool as saying "3 on the tree" or "4 on the floor" but you basicly got the same effect when you drove it ...........may have been a little more generic idea in a 55 car but it worked ok and made it ready for a 4 spd if anyone wanted to pop one in. I had to trim the truck trans throw out bearing collar (flange where the collar bolts to the trans)down a bit to fit in the 55 bellhousing hole.
I ran sags for years 3 gears and 4s. I probably would not run a loose one behind a blown 427 but they work fine in general for a street car.
I'd stay away from the Munice 318, 4 bolt side cover, non-synchro first gear 3-speed, and use a Saginaw, later Muncie, or Borg Warner 3 speed, all used in Chevrolet/Buick cars/ Chev-GMC trucks in the late 60's to early 70's. All are full synchro, and a lot stronger than the Muncie 318. But, lighter car, easy driving, a Muncie 318 will do OK. I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
I found the link very informative: http://www.fourwheeler.com/how-to/transmission-drivetrain/129-0608-trail-transmission/#__federated=1 But it doesn't tell much about the pleasure of driving it.
I've used the truck 3-speeds for years and they always took whatever I gave them. The lighter Muncies, I've blown the counter shafts out of them.
Ran one behind a few GMC motors for years. Never had any trouble using it on the salt or dirt. Finally went to a Saginaw 4 speed which was also fine. Later went to a 383 SBC with the same 4 speed in a Lark on the street. Always worked for me and as far as I know is working for the current owner
the little Muncie 318 4 bolt side cover peanut trans has a lower first gear than the full syncro Saginaw 7 bolt side cover trans. the Muncie aint really strong however they will do ok on a light car with skinny tires.
On the full syncro 7 bolt side cover Saginaw 3 speeds have several gear sets.. On the in put shaft you will see lines around the input..No lines have 2.85 low and 1.68 second... 1 line 2.54 and 1.50... 2 line 311 second 1.84 and last is 3 line 3.50 189.. The most common is the no line 1.68 second. All these are very popular with street stock type circle track race cars. I hope this little bit of info might help some one... Bobby
Thanks Bobby, you saved me the trouble of rotating and counting the turns, on the one I have in the '40 pickup I am building.
i don't know year of this one. I know i am worried about leg room in this small cab. 34 ford truck. Any issues with this or you guys modify them to work better. Such as bending, or welding a new shifter some how to get more leg room. Is their issues with it being in way of seats also. Thanks for all the help you guys!
I am running a 318 in my roadster. The only reason is it is small enough to fit without cutting the K member. I have the small Dodge so not much torque or power. Works fine for me. It is column shifted with a 40 column.
They are a great tranny but if you are running one with stock three on the tree linkage be careful. When the linkage gets worn they will sometimes go into two gears at a time with catastrophic results. I'm fixing one now. Got a line on a 4 speed with floor linkage to replace all that stuff. Gary
my tranny came with a fenton aftermarket floor shifter for it. It shifts fine on the ground i belive it was out 0f a 57 cause i got that a motor and bellhousing with side motor mounts all together.
FoMoCo -Livonia Transmission Plant made a 3-speed synchro for GM cars for a short time, seem to remember their 'applications' as Chevelle SS, Cutlass/442, Tempest/GTO, Buick Gran Sport, maybe even Corvette.......... dunno know if there were 'other GM applications'. i was at that 'location' from early 1965 thru late 1968, and remember it as a low-numbered-production product.........that was a long time ago! thanx red
67-69 Pontiac Tempest (and I guess the GTO) and Firebirds did use the Ford 3 speed, but they also used the Saginaw during that same time (???). I always said it was to balance out Lincoln's use of the GM Hydramatic in the early 50's. Who knows? I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
when my dad and uncle were teens they built a '33 chevy coupe. they took the 3 speed and cut the top off of a '37 chevy truck tranny and welded it to the top of the non first gear syncro transmission after cutting a hole open in the top. my dad told me they took turns with a HACKSAW until the top was cut off. my uncle joe could weld with a torch before he could walk welded it back together. their theory was no linkage to fail and the shifter is where it is supposed to be, they ran this at the track and won trophies. i drove the car for years and it shifted smooth and most the time i didn't need the clutch to shift. my [re]build thread here; http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/33-chevy-3w-time-for-a-cool-change.863287/ i have recently picked up a 3 speed over drive from a 63 impala and wanted to duplicate this feat. i found a '37 tranny for the shift tower but the shift forks are not the same, i think i need a newer shift tower. when you see the two trannies they used together it looks so simple.................