Saw a stciker at a rod run this year which read MOPAR = Massively Over Powered And Respected a couple anagrams/sayings that are fairly common in australia as numberplates are FIGJAM = F*** Im Good Just Ask Me WOFTAM = Waste Of F****** Time And Money
Read this one on the back of a Harley Rider's shirt.."If you can read this, the Bitch has fallen off."
How about "Ban low performance drivers, not high performance cars!" "He couldn't drive a nail into sand!" "Colour matched with the help of my seeing eye dog" "The more that I risk death, the more alive I feel" "If I wanted to listen to an asshole, I would have farted!" "I really appreciate your sincere criticism. . . .fuck you very much!" "Please do not ask to borrow tools!.....being told to fuck off, often offends." And we all can relate to this one.... "If you wanna make a small fortune from Racing .........". [ or Rodding ] "Start with a large one!"
For all of you that weren't in the Navy, when you can't figure something out you go to the SWAG method. (Scientisfic wild ass guess) worked on the radars on the destroyer,s. Nam era Got me and the ship back so it must work.
Yes it's fast, No you can't drive it.-----------FORD: flipped over rebuilt dodge -------------That thing will haul the mail!------------Smokes? My car is old enough to smoke if it wants to!--------Hot Rodders, America's first recyclers--------Drag Racing, Just you,me and the tree! peace
If you can't get your foot in it, Get your ass out of it! When the green flag drops, The bushit stops! not car related but still like, A woman should be like the sun, cooking in the day, and going down at night sorry ladies! my whiskey is talkin
Dont know if its been posted yet, but I like Tims from here and the Y block forum "Aerodynamics are for people who cant build engines"
Tell the kid next to ya, "Hey Kid, you better take that thing home, while you still think it's fast!" in honor of Sandy lovelace, Ray Oban. Still pullin'gears in heaven.
Can't remember where I saw this but I thought it was cool (might have been someone's signature on here?) "One hand on the wheel, one hand on the bottle; One foot in the grave, one foot on the throttle"
if it aint broke, I can't afford it keep er tween the ditches and the shiny side... uhm... what shiny side chrome won't getcha home, but black will getcha back drive it like ya stole it yes it's fast, and no you can't drive it it smokes like a cheap cigar... we're twins. if it's still runnin, I'm still gunnin. and the most often heard quote on my block... I think it's just a wiring problem