If anyone here got a email from me last night with a link i am sorry, my email was hacked and it sent out what appears a lot of emails .
I know this is completely O/T but I'm having the same issue with my email. There are emails being sent out to my contacts automatically with nothing other than a retarded link in the body of the email. Anyone know how to fix this?
You may just need to take your computer to a good repair shop who can go into it and remove viruses, malware, etc.
Nope, they hijack your email. It goes away in a few days. Just tell everyone to not open stupid topic emails from you...unless you always send rxhealth email...lol
You have a virus on your PC. If you are running windows and it's NOT a 64 bit OS, then this followed by a full virus scan will fix you right up. Combofix: get it here. http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/anti-virus/combofix Also, if your email is a yahoo, gmail, hotmail or other web based email accounts go change your password now. The favorite thing of spyware to do today is get in your pc, watch for your password, steal it, hack into your email and start spamming away. So, change your email password then clean your machine.
You've probably got your problem resolved by now, so I'm posting this up for others. Get a good virus scanner on your machine, run it, and keep it updated. It's a requirement now and no longer a luxury. There are a few good free ones, I've used AVG http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage and had excellent protection. You can also check for malware. I use http://www.malwarebytes.org It may not really be you however. The sender is usually forged. For example, you have a friend that gets a virus. It goes to work by picking out a valid email address (yours) in their address book. Then it mails everybody else in your friends address book and forges the Sender with your name and email address. The reason for this is so that everybody is mad and yelling at you, and the virus gets more time to work on your friends machine. It's can be difficult to track down what machine is actually sending the message, and you'll just need to get used to explaining to folks that your address has been forged and the virus is not coming from you.
Never upon never forward those "send to ten friends or you will have bad luck" emails as they often have such things riding along in them. And never open a link posted on any forum or board by an unknown first time poster. I lost a hard drive to one of those.
Any of you guys on Facebook? Supposedly something going around originating from there. Something about being "tagged" in a photo. When you click on it to look it infects your computer and does the whole email thing you described.
Solid advice from everyone so far. Here's something else you might try. It won't prevent getting your address book hacked, but it might give you a little heads-up if someone has gained access to it. Enter a new, fictitious contact to your email address book. Use something like "AA[xxxxxx]@[xxxxxmail].net". The "AA" at the beginning will put it at the top of your address list. Delete the brackets "[]" and replace the X's with whatever you choose so you end up with something like: [email protected] Now if someone does a mass mailing with your address book, this one address will come back as undeliverable. Your ISP should send you an email informing you that they couldn't deliver a message to AABogusBob and you'll know that something funny is going on. If nothing else you can at least let your contacts know to be careful about opening any suspicious looking email links from you. Of course you'll have to be careful if you're in the habit of just clicking the "Send All" button when you send email. Otherwise you're just going to bombard yourself with false alarms.
and also to run a virus scan, you boot up in safe mode, with no internet connection.. and also run microsoft's malicous software removal tool..
When I forward an email to multiple recipients I use the "blind copy" addressing option. I also clean the message up to delete any earlier email addresses that have become part of the message. This protects my friends from any email harvesters down the line.
And I thought I was the only who did this! But I don't think most people know what CC (carbon copy) and BCC {blind carbon copy) stand for or what they do. For that matter they probably don't know what a carbon copy is. I don't care what anyone sez, you're OK in my book!
CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD, FOR YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT, AND IT SHOULD STOP THEM. At sometime you opened a email that was fishing for your contacts, That is why it has been happing to you. Have any of you gotten email sent to you, from you, and you did not send it to your self. Bingo! time to change your password
Oh hell yes I know all about e-mail hacking !!! Now if you had a system like mine you'd be safe !!! >>>>.
Damn that is the exact model Underwood that was in the attic that I played with as a kid in the 50s. I don't think I've seen another one like it since then. Sorry for the side track but thanks for the help if I ever get hacked.