I'm planning to make my first attempt at making my own fuel lines this week and have a filter location question. I am running a normally aspirated Cadillac 500 engine and a mechanical fuel pump. Would I be better off placing the fuel filter in the engine compartment near the carb inlet or placing it right in front of the tank outlet? Or does it matter at all? Is the deciding factor simply ease of replacement? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks
i like to have one back by the tank and in front of an electric fuel pump ( if you have one) , and one between the mechanical pump and the carb
Regardless of what type or location of the fuel pump, the filter should be on the pressure side (output side) of the pump.
The pick up sock should handle most of that trash before the pump. Almost Every oem electric pump has the filter on the pressure side. There's a few like a Honda passport comes to mind, where the fuel filter is built into the sender and lasts the life of the pump. Almost every OEM mechanical pump/carb combo has the fuel filter between the pump and the carb. Actually I can't think of one OEM filter placement where the pump , mechanical or electric, is required to pull fuel thru a filter. Anyone else?
Same here. I lost one mechanical pump due to leaving a gas cap on top of the pump at the gas station at Grand Teton national park and then getting into about 50 miles of reworked road with a layer of gravel on top after I exited Yellowstone park. No more rigs without a filter in front of the pump and I like one after the pump to catch anything that made it through the first one. I've changed more than one filter next to the tank on the side of the road so the concept does work pretty well.