As a follow up to an unsuccessful conversation thread gone bad started a few weeks back.....Does anyone know how to personally contact Halibrandsteve? A few of us purchased expensive parts from him around April or May. Our checks were cashed but no contact with Halibrandsteve since. Perhaps he is ill, moved, or worse?? We have not been able to contact him even with Ryans help. If anyone knows Halibrandsteve from Edmonton and can shed some light on his disappearance it would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps we have other members in Edmonton. We would appreciate anyone's help but respectfully don't need any commentary on shoulda, coulda, woulda with parts deals on the HAMB. Thank you.
There are a few of us here from Edmonton but I don't know the guy personally. Any contact info? Has anyone that has been ripped off tried contacting the Edmonton City Police?
I'm hoping for a resolution or explanation and not a rip off Steve Phillips Edmonton, Alberta CANADA T6W1G4 I do have a street address
I posted up on the Canadian Rodder forum to see if anyone there knows what's up with him. If there are enough of you I would probably give the Edmonton Police Services a call and see if they might sent someone by the address you have to make sure he is still there.
I have no idea how long the problem has been going on and I hope this is not him but this was listed in the obits in Edmonton,Canada. If so,you will need to file against his estate. HRP Steven James Phillips Passed on: July 26th, 2016 With broken hearts we announce Steven's passing at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, in the presence of his loving family and friends. Left to cherish his memories are his loving wife Jacqueline and five week old daughter Madison; fath...
I personally believe that this is trouble of some sort OTHER than theft. I've dealt with him, he's been on here forever, he's just plain not a bad guy. This is a pretty good bunch of people here and the bad apples get called out early in their careers. Bruce
He was last here on May 22, 2017. I could be wrong but I believe there was another post about this same subject a few weeks ago. Hope he is OK.
Agreed.I have dealt with Steve in the past and all went smooth.As for speed of the transaction.. If I can remember it took about 30 -45 days.... but it was many years ago.
That's one thing you can take off the list. Just trying to offer some help,I saw no mention of what year,only it's drug out for a long time. HRP
wonder if someone's using his name and access if he did pass on....sounds like one - maybe two deals done since - but more deals not completed.....?
If I remember correctly(and I could be wrong)....I think Steve may work(or did work) in the Oil Patch industry and travels a lot....Not defending... just trying to remember.I tried to go back to old messages... but they are long gone.... and my paper work is long gone as well(sorry) it has been 6-8 years ago when i bought a old Schroader sprint box from him) I hope all gets resolved.
I truly hope it all works out. Good guy or not, one should not have cashed checks over a period of time and then not ship the parts or even be in contact. Sounds like you are doing what you can-even with Ryan's resources. Good luck.
I bought something from him years ago and it was like pulling teeth! Seems like a good guy though from my limited experiences with him? I hope he is ok.
I sold him tires many years ago, but don't have any contact info anymore. I didn't have any difficulties back then. Hope he didn't trampled by a moose.
That doesn't explain the lack of communication. Plus, it seems there were to have been multiple shipments and it is unlikely they all were seized. I don't think your suggestion holds water.
First my apologies to 33highboy. I know this is a serious issue with the OP, I get it. But these kind of threads tend to get a bit heavy and over speculative. Thought a smidgeon of humor might lighten things up. Carry on.
i re-read that a 'check' was involved.... not paypal transaction. further that check was 'mailed'/USPS? correct me, suggesting a cancelled check should have the financial institution information on the back side-(bank/credit union name, and account information plus the signature of the account holder)- this feller has to have an address somewhere. not to mention using the services of the USPS and a financial institution to commit a 'crime' may be of interest to the U.S. and Canadian authorities.... cheat me out of money and goods, i will find you.... red
Oh, yeah. that's cool. No problem and I think I'll just sit back and watch the OP and anyone who can really help. PM sent