Anyone here going? If so stop and say hello. We're across from the main building, in front of the train. Same spot for the past 15 years. Sunday Feb 21 the best one day swap meet ever.......hope to see you. Speedy garage
It's become quite a good swap meet. Since it's so early in the year sometime it's hampered by very cold temps and sometime pretty sloppy with mud in some areas if it's been raining or snow & ice thawing. But, the die-hards still show up. Lynn
Just drove by the arena building in the park ! All the snow is gone on the pavement and some ground is clear ,,, plenty of room to SWAP & SHOP !!!
Damn!! Be nice to see some again. Someone take some pics and post please. Can't be there at least it might be nice to see some pics to remember what they were actually like!!
Cape Girardeau, MO.....Arena Park. Many get there before it's light out, shopping with flashlights. For all purposes, by what I've noticed in recent years, people start packing up mid afternoon. Lynn
I’ll be there but I’d lay money parking will be a mud fest which should be fun and interesting. Nothing a 4 wheel drive loaded with cord wood can’t handle.
Great to hear you're actually having a swap meet. Show us pics of what we're missing! Here in the East, Maryland is having one in about a month.
I got to the swap meet shortly after 6:00 AM and stayed about 3 hours. Only bought a couple small items and unfortunately found nothing that was actually on my mental "shopping list". Sorry, but didn't take any photos. I'd say there were at most about 50% as many venders as a more typical year, but the recent v-e-r-y cold temps and snow we had probably kept many from being there. FWIW, I'm on blood thinner and am always cold. By the time I left even wearing a hooded zip-up sweatshirt-type coat, insulated coveralls and gloves my fingers were numb! Lynn
Went to the swap meet ... It wasn't that great but it was really nice to have one to go to ... Met Speedys Garage... Talked to them for about 15 minutes..... Nice guys.... Overall it was great....