I don't quite know why it is, but when I look at b/w photos the subject looks more "real" than in color photos of the same subject. Anyone else feel this way or am I nuts? Maybe I'm not explaining myself well, but I am old and I remember when b/w was all you ever saw.
I would be glad to run my generator if you could recommend someone to rewind my armature on the west coast !
There has to be many shops on the West Coast that can rewind and repair generators,,there is still a shop in my hometown that does it. HRP
You are not nuts, I feel the same -- I think it's because a color photo contains too much extraneous information (the colors) that distract your (my) brain from the real subject matter. With a B/W photo the subject does not have to compete with all the other information so you see it better -- more real, as you said.......