dam nice car that would catch your eye, during the day or nite. eyes open around chicago area. hope it turns up for the owners.
"How about a thread on spending a 10th of a build budget on security. These thefts happen way too much and I hate to say it, but we ALL need to be more mindful of our security systems." with ya there Fred...I don't have much - but I put an extra big chain and a good lock on some of mine if they are close to the gate....and some still laugh at me for that.... haven't lost one since my 'Stang in 1988....we found it stripped in 1994... hope'n the best for these folks... <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
There was one good news story about a found car here already today, keep your eyes open and hopefully this turns out OK. GOOD LUCK GUYS
No 32 parts at Tulsa/Kellyville swap meet today that I seen. I was there from 9am-5pm and walked it 3 times.
Ill sure look out here for it ! I hate a thievin bastard, and right on... 99% of the time,the thief, knows the owner...I pray Someone can help you .finds the car and him too hopefully...then, feed his ass to the hogs
Next weekend is the Pate swapmeet at Texas Motor Speedway, Ill be looking out for you there...All you local DFW guys, too, ,can keep an eye out, and we need to have more info
I thought about this poor guys yesterday when I was driving my sedan,,keep looking it's gonna be found there are too many of us watching. HRP
I was at the New Braunsfel swap and saw nothing. I am going to Pate. If I saw something, can I call someone??
YES!!! Call Danny , his number is is in the description, or you can call me! My number is 214-681-9742. Call the police if nothing else! I hate to say this but, just remember guys, they mite have disassembled the car to sell it off in parts....... Thank all you guys for keeping your eyes and ears open! I know Don and Patsy appreciate it.