Hey all, I'm new to the HAMB, ?, whats the deal with the 35 Master sedan, don't see much on here bout them. I know it was full of wood, but that don't make it a turd does it? Well if anyone has any poop on them, will 36 doors fit on it?, found a pair in better shape than mine.
I think they fit. I am in the process of pulling the wood and putting metal in mine right now... Mark
as long as the wood is not too bad, or you replace it with good wood or metal, then that does not make it a turd. They just are not the best looking cars ever made....imho....
I know thier not suicide, but they sure look the same and all metal too (save me some time) marks914, you think they will fit and have you tried them?
Vince, I am almost sure the front edge of the doors are different. The 35 curves and the 36 is straight. But rodding is about making it work. Check Street Rodder.com for web article on rebuilding doors it is great.
looked at pics of a few cars on images.google.com and they sure look different....like he said, 35 is curved, 36 is almost straight, along the front edge. Makes sense...hinge pillar needs to be straight, and since the 36 went to the hinge pillar in front they had to straighten it.
If I remember right when looking fior doors for my 35 ,olds. buick & pontiac doors were all differnt around the glass but the lower door was the same so I would bet 36's are differnt also, good luck. 35 chevys have the best looking grilles and front ends than any fords,, imo..
I bought this one today. 99% rust free. Has been a driver rod before. Has Mustang 2 front and chevy 10 bolt rear. I am gonna chop it, put some slick paint on it, through a healthy small block in it, and let my ol lady use it as a daily driver.
Looks like a 35 Master to me. Here's a friends Ozzie only all enclosed coupe and, a steel on a 34 Standard sedan. http://www.jellybeanhotrods.com/34chev.html