Awesome car! I really want to build a 55-57 Corvette in that style for the street. DO put have fun with it.the straight axle in it and. Or, sell it to me!
Shitcan the Lakewoods and put some Cal Tracks on it. I had a 57 Vette back in 63 with a brand new crate 327/360 in it, 4 speed, 4.56 gears. At 2600 lbs it was badass in its day. If you just want the look forget the straight axle & put a 4 inch I beam spacer between the frame & frontend like we did in the old days. That way you wont ruin the car and can put it back stock some day if you want. For Gods sake put some brakes on it, they wont stop in a 10 acre field. Love the car !
Nice. One thought tho,,, I ran those same traction devices on my ole '55 (only u-bolted tight to the spring) and they bent the spring right where the snubber hit it. Always thought I should of modified them so they would hit on the front eye. Love your project and look forward to more!
Baron, Your 57 project looks great, the risers in the front add a lot to the overall looks of the car. Here is a picture of my 57 Gasser projects Lakewood bars on the Olds rear end. Also one of the straight axle, complete with 40 years of dust and cobwebs. The cars out for paint right now. Keep the updates coming.
we would lengthen the slapper bars because they bent the springs and hit harder.just finished installing a full cage and making a carson top on a 61 installed two kirkey seat because they sit right on the floor very tight fit.
Thanks guys. All comments and suggestions are appreciated. This will be more of a daily driver than a race car. At best ,it will make a couple nostalgia events per year. I do know this project will keep me busy for at least the next nine months for sure (and probably longer).
I know it makes the purists cringe, but I love the early year Corvette race cars and street machines. They look so bitchin'. I really like your car! You're doing a great job.
I totally agree Flat-N-low! While I appreciate the looks and lines of the early Corvettes and two door T-Birds, to see them set up with a nasty motor, a stick and Gasser style suspension really kicks in the Big Grin machine. See? lol Subscribed!
I like it, especially the hood scoop. With those wheels and that scoop, it SCREAMS early '70's, an Edelbrock TR2 with the early tall plenum and a pair of 660's would be perfect. Restrict the IFR's, and it'll run damn good too. Uploaded with
Oh yea, Gotta love the tunnel ram, in my case the TR-1. This is my car, real early 1970s. I put all this old school stuff on Butch's car two years ago. ( heads, manifold, carbs and hood ) It ran his car the fastest it has ever went. The next pictures are recent pictures of Butch's car.
Love the Grump Lump! I have a Mr. Gasket V-Gate, a TR1Y, a Corvette tach drive dual point, and a couple of SW cable tachs. Hell thats almost an early seventies project car right there...
Holy shit that car is gonna be friggin awesome! I agree, that car screams 1971 straight from the diaphragm. Begging for an early Edelbrock tunnel ram with a pair of Holleys, finned Mickey Thompson valve covers, a fiberglass Flex-A-Lite fan, a Mallory or Accel dual point dist, white headers, and maybe even one of those Accel super coils and maybe some of those ugly yellow plug wires. I'd paint it a subdued fine metallic (gold, light or dark green, think factory colors from the late 60's/early 70's), and maybe laydown some wild asymmetrical panels with stripes in the coves. I'm absolutely envious, as I love 57 vettes, I love that style tunnel ram scoop, and I love that you are going to daily drive this car!
Nice build, I'm on board. That's exactly what comes to mind when I think back how it was. Most we're SBC but every so often you would hear a Rat slid over the speed bumps at the Bog Boy. Ron
Gonna try to inject a little life here... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Looks great!...But then again, I think a 56-57 vette is just about the best looking car in the world anyway,so i'm biased...I'm working a deal on a 56 right now and hoping/praying it works out, my dad had a 56 when I was just a kid, and i've dreamed of one since.