Is there ANY way possible to disassemble the steering box from the steering column other than removing the steering wheel?? I only ask because I don't have a puller for the wheel..... Thank you....
SO I was going to use a pully puller but there are no holes for the outside bolts. And the wheel is too dry to beat on it with a mallot... What kind of puller would you recomend?? Any links to one I could buy that someone KNOWS will work? lol Im desperate here!!!
Are there a couple tapped holes in the center of the wheel, under the horn cap? If not, can you drill and tap some? Than make a simple flat bar puller with a large pushing bolt in the center, and two clamping bolts in the ends.
There should be two tapped holes under the horn button on either side of the main nut. I've never seen an F1 wheel without them.
Whichever puller you use, leave the nut on the shaft......just back it off to the end of the threads. The shaft is hollow, and will mushroom/ split really easy. Ask me how I know.....