The Perfect Christmas Gift for the guy who has everything, except a 1934 Ford pickup with Model A bed, all steel, sits on a 1980 Toyota truck chassis, 4 cyl 20R engine and 4 speed transmission, wiring harness and steering all from Toyota. All steel, rear fenders were custom made. Runs very well, it will spin the tires if you gas it. Gets a lot of attention, even has a tow ball. $12,900 obo Nice running trades considered but not likely, I suffer from 2manykarsitis. Link to Amazon photo album >
A bump and a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good gift! Jesus, the reason for the Season!, add this to your Christmas list
Dang been too long since I BUMPed. Someone come get this snow in Virginia Beach, I guess since I haven't lived in my Florida house for 4 years they decided to send the snow up here also.
Listen, it's saying, "Somebody come help me, I need a heart transplant, some fool gave me a Jap heart!" Flatty STAT!