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Projects 64 Comet Build for Sema.....Its build time....

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Total Performance, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Thanks Boss/Cyclone!
  2. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Thanks Roy!

    We had a bit of a set back with Matt, my main dude over here. He got a infected blister on his foot and before he know it he was flat on his back in a Hospital Bed wondering if he was going to keep his foot or not. Yikes!!! He's been in the hospital for about a month now and im feeling the heat with out him here. Best news is that he's doing great and should be out of the hospital in a week or so with all his "parts". Crazy handful of weeks! Luckily ive got Alain and Denny to dig in on the home stretch and help "get 'er done".

    Were making good progress over here though you always worry about the thing your not thinking about or worried about...if that makes any sense.

    Total Perf-
  3. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Thanks Al!

    I was going to go all different hue's of black. Then I got ahold of the gold color and loved it. I wanted to stick with mostly natural metal colors and this gold is so close to the magnesium gold that I love we had to go with it. Also I really like the splashes of tasteful vintage gold splattered amongst the build. Hi-Po Ford / Merc Gold.

    Thanks again for the compliments! Cant wait to see your beast rollin again!

    Total Perf- Aaron
  4. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Quick tech article on how to build a tool.

    I broke my blue 350.00 rolled tube straghtener and needed one fast. So I went and built one for about 30.00 bucks that did the same thing and I was able to keep the rest of the cash for the car. I thought i'd pass it on so here goes!

    What you need is as follows;

    A couple pieces or one you can cut of 1.5 x 1.5 inch angle iron about a foot long.

    5 -screen door rollers 1.5 inch, they come in steel and plastic. I'm doing stainless so I went with steel. Make sure you get the ones that are ball bearing and not solid.

    5 -1/4 - 20 machine screws

    5 -lock washers and 5 hex nuts

    3 - 2.5 inch bolts (whatever you have around) and the 2 lock washers and nuts or lock nuts to go with it.

    Place the two 1ft pieces of angle in the vice and mark them across the surface side to side every 2 inches as on the pic.

    Mark the rollers from the center of the bolt hole to the inner most area of the roller where the tube sits. Your going to want that to be at the edge of the inside of the angle iron where you will squish them together. You cant really blow this unless you get them to far apart. If they are to close when your done you can space them out with washers. I like to make them a bit close myself. You'll see where my marks are on the rollers. Note there just sitting there and not in the correct location in this pic.

    Total Perf-

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  5. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Part 2

    After you have the rollers spaced out and layed out correctly center punch the roller holes and drill the holes.

    After they have been drilled out correctly use your countersink or an oversized drill bit to countersink the heads of the roller bolts so they will fit in the vice flat. Be sure to counter sink the correct side. See pictures.

    Now move on to the other side of the angle iron that fits into the vice and drill your 2 holes. (When you lay them out, make sure you take into account the vice or clamping surface you will be clamping it into so that you get a solid flat surface and your new bolts wont get in the way.)

    Now put your new line straightener together and test fit your complete unit. I used 3 washers on the clamping bolts to space the two parts out to get the right fit. Space to your own specifications.

    Total Perf-

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  6. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Part 3

    Now its time to Paint the part whatever color you feel. I like good ole' Dupli Color Engine Enamel Black.

    Now you can straighten any type of brake line, fuel line etc. Just space out the two angle iron pieces and if need be step the roller size up to accomodate larger tube.

    All set! Hopefully you can put this to use and save yourself a few hundred bucks and have a great end product.

    Hot Rod Ingenuity!

    Total Perf-

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  7. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Here is a shot of the fuel tank Alain shot late last month. Its a Crites fiberglass tank that we ended up using the CREEM sealant in to make sure it stay's alive with modern fuels.

    This tank looks as if it was steel. Alain did such a great job on this glass tank I couldnt believe it. Perfect color for under the car. Thanks again Alain for your awesome work!

    Total Perf-

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  8. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    I decided to throw up a few of the pics with the valve covers were going to use and the injection sitting up there on top of the motor. The shop lights really was out the color of the valve covers on camera. If you think of the deep gold color of a Hertz Shelby GT350 stripes then your really close.

    I do want to paint the dist cap though. Way to red!

    Also the injector covers im using are from C. Cook Enterprises. They have an awesome clean yet race ready look! Pic Below-Were going with the natural unpolished look for the Total Performance "PSYCLONE" though!

    Gary Wallace over at Monterey Peninsula Powder Coating did a great job on these covers. Gary also did the 4 bars on the rear as well. Great stuff. If your in the area give him a shout at 831-422-7600. He can give you what you want and do a great job doing it. Gotta support the guys who support us!

    Total Perf-

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  9. ec164
    Joined: Aug 9, 2011
    Posts: 500

    from MI

    The fuel tank looks real good. I also like the detail on the engine. You'll be driving soon.....Al
  10. 65COMET
    Joined: Apr 10, 2007
    Posts: 3,086


    Aaron;I love those Mercury script pentroof VCs,I tried to use them but they hit the master cylinder with the taller deck 351W!!! That tank looks great as does the engine!! ROY.
  11. teddisnoke
    Joined: May 24, 2005
    Posts: 1,138

    from So Cal

    Aaron- where di you source the pent-roofs covers? They are bitchin!
    Thanks, Dale
  12. roosters hot rods
    Joined: Oct 21, 2006
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    roosters hot rods

    Wow i guess i have been sleeping and have not seen this thread....SWEET Ride ! ..
    And i like those v/c's too..

  13. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Hey Roy! I had to have them on the car, I just love them! I picked up a set of the Ron Francis adjustable engine mounts to get me the clearance I needed. Fingers crossed!!!
  14. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Hey Dale! Great to hear from ya! They are mid 60's Mercury Maurader covers for the big block 427/390. I have an aluminum adapter plate to retro-fit them to the small block heads. Give me a call or an email and I'll lay out all the info for ya. I may even have a few sets sittin' on the wall. Be happy to help.

    Catcha soon!

    Total Perf-
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2012
  15. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Thanks Rooster! Welcome!

    Total Perf-
  16. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    As we near completion of the car I've been grinding away to meet the goal. With really good result. I kinda stopped posting the pics to give the sponsors the first look at the car as it buttons up, they are really happy with the end result. The biggest issue it seems that we are facing now is sponsors deciding with the bad economy if to have a car in the booth or instead have ALL of their product in the booth to attract more customers. I can't blame them for wanting to push their products but c'mon guys. Dont do this to us! Actually though, the companies that have partnered with us have been verrry, gracious and accomodating. I'm sure were gonna get a ride in there. Not to mention the build turned out pretty damn cool! Fingers crossed guys!

    Give me another week or so and I'll start getting the pics out again. Thanks for the support, HAMBERS are RAD!

    Total Perf-
  17. ec164
    Joined: Aug 9, 2011
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    from MI

    Good Luck Aaron!

  18. cyclonedoug
    Joined: Sep 30, 2011
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    from PA

    Aaron/ Total Performance-

    Reading every and last detail and picture of this build has been such a major treat for me! Thanks for all of the time you put into your posts. I appreciate the details as to how you accomplished everything right down to vendor info, paint color codes, etc...

    Not sure what was my favorite part... the great dash gauge and cameracase trim work (I usually hate alterations like that, but you pulled it off). ...The modernized seats with proper material was a shock at just how nice they look. The drivetrain and mini tub info was very helpful.

    The painstaking work on the engine bay and surrounding sheet metal and all you had to do with making it right was frustrating just reading about it let alone having to deal with it first hand (I may have had to choke the dude who scratched up the engine bay paint and made those fenders drop on the floor like that).

    Thanks for taking the time to post--long live Psyclone!

  19. ClearSpot
    Joined: Aug 20, 2009
    Posts: 941

    from Michigan

    I agree those VC's set your already awesome motor off! I'd love to learn more about your adapter setup.I have a friend using those on his big block Marauder and love the look.
    Can't wait to see Psyclone completed.

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  20. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Thanks Doug!

    You have no idea how much energy your post gives me! Thanks so much for that. Doug, your the reason that I wanted to do the build on this blog. All of us are just regular guys that are really trying to dig in and do the work ourselves no matter how much money we have in the bank, we all want to have a hand in doing it ourselves and love these cars for what they are. Individual works of art. The engine may be the heart of the build but each builder is the spirit of the build and will stick with the car until its changed completely. The goal for me here has been to give the car the most balanced and flowing feel. As well as when somebody see's the car they know its ready for whatever gets thrown at it. Thanks again Doug! If I can ever lend you a hand in any way just drop me a line.

    Total Perf-
  21. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Hey Myron!

    Sent you a PM reply about the Valve Covers. I love the Marauder in the pic. A beaut'!

    Total Perf-
  22. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    I forgot to post these pics of the brake lines going in the car. I decided to do the stainless lines with the 37 deg fittings for a clean and for ease in servicing. Also I needed to to give it the look I needed. You saw the line straighnter I made to straighten the line. The other tools I have are a milti angle hand bender, a 180 deg brake line hand bender, bending pliers, large and small cutters and a rigid 37 deg flaring tool. All of the tools are made for stainless tube bending and work great without breaking the bank. I'll try to remember to post a pic of them all for reference.

    Anyhow, I needed a few frame tabs and had a few of the welder series tabs laying around and they worked perfectly! pt # 70004. Here's a pic of the units and a pic of them as I ground them down together to achieve the same mounting angle.

    Total Perf-

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  23. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Here's a shot of one of the tabs installed on the frame and ready to run the flex line to the brake. Here are some of the other lines as well. Some of them got changed and didnt make the cut. But you get the idea........

    Again it was a 37 Deg system throughout. It was one of those magical installs that once it was filled with fluid and the bleeding was done we had zero leaks! Thats really to few and far between sometimes so I had to gloat. O.K, thanks i'm done now....

    Total perf-

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    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
  24. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    I found a few more pics of us doing these stainless lines on the PSYCLONE. We plummed it in this fashion in the rear rather than going alont the rear end for a few reasons. 1) it looks really awesome this way with a clean rear 2) It makes it easier on such a small car to get mufflers under the car rather than have the line running from the body to the rear end right in that location 3) with the air suspension the flex lines make it a snap to drop straight down to the caliper itself.

    I think the color change on the underside of the car was from a cleaner I used that wasnt quite dry at the time I took these pics. Its not there anymore.

    Total Perf-

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  25. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Just a quick instructional set of pics for guys who are building the Comet/Falcon of these 64/65 years. The tireas and wheels i'm using here are the Billet Specialties Bonneville G and Toyo tires that measure just a hair over 25" tall and right at 9" wide. If interested I can send you info on the B.Space etc if anyone wants it.

    I have full turning radius through both compressed and extended suspension. You can see the factory coil spring shield/support is in place and fits over the bag and will JUST clear the tire when it is in its dropped configuration.

    Hope that helps anyone that may be interested!

    Total Perf-

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  26. 2dr_sedan
    Joined: Mar 25, 2005
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    Can't wait to see this car done!
  27. mattrod68
    Joined: Jan 22, 2007
    Posts: 517


    Made it down to the shop today and I must say the progress is fantastic. You guys are in for a treat.

    Plus I got to see Aaron's ass. Always a pleasure
  28. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    LOL. thx man! Thanks for the props! (about the car)

    Yes, the 18 year old comes out of me once and awhile, you did get mooned. I'm glad you didnt have anything to throw.

    I just wish my lady felt the same way.......(about the butt)

    Total Perf-
  29. Total Performance
    Joined: Jan 4, 2011
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    Total Performance
    from Nor Cal

    Yippie! The big show is this next week and I cant wait to see all that SEMA has in store for the industry, the great builds and mindblowing new products that keep us all reeling out the cash. Or at least wishing we could. The only bummer for us is that we couldnt solidfy our indoor location for the reasons I outlined previously. They wanted to display product, not cars in the booth. Though they would put us in the show field outside or possibly in the main lobby. We held out to get a ride inside but all was fairly set by the time we found out our places were gone. They like to have everything set over a month in advance. I wouldnt mind having the car in a hall way or entry way though their is really no guarantee that it will get there. We had a few issues with cars in the main outside display areas in the past and I wasnt going to risk it on this car (We had a paint job really beat up and some ass put ice cream on one of our leather seats). You'd really think car folks would have more respect. Alas, these are the reasons I wanted to stay inside. That is where the serious business is done so your not going to get the less respectful folks. Besides, it's a bit more prestigeous to be in there. None the less the sponsors and the press packs we sent out had really positive responses so all hasnt been for nothing. I'm also not 100% stolked on a few of the trim pieces on the car (chroming issues and I need to repolish some stainless), I want a different cut/style of carpet and I want to change out the exhaust system for a different style and tone. So all in all i'm not dissapointed, though I would have loved to be in the event, we made our deadline and all involved happy with the work and the result. So much so they want the car for next year. That made me feel pretty good. I'll take lots of pics and get the rest of the build up as soon as I get back home. Thanks for all the support! Much appreciated. It looks like the car really will be introduced here on the HAMB, and thats just fine with me!

    Total Perf-
  30. ec164
    Joined: Aug 9, 2011
    Posts: 500

    from MI

    Aaron, Sorry to hear or your misfortune, setbacks are tough, but sounds like your moving on and will get all the good from it and still lots of exposure. I am looking forward to the pictures of your ride complete and like your desire for a neat thought out build. (1) question though, why did you choose to use a bed liner type material for the undercarriage and outer shock towers? Have fun at SEMA and will be watching for the completed photos......Al

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