wideglide74's Social Forums
Everything to do with gauges! New, old, odd, cool, ugly or pretty. Dash inserts and gauge mounts, off the shelf or homemade, lets see what you got!
- Discussions:
- 19
- Posts:
- 64
Latest: Photo Gallery 36 ROKIT, Oct 30, 2014 -
Hamb dog lovers
Those of us who know that cars and dogs just go together. Enough said!!
- Discussions:
- 20
- Posts:
- 87
Latest: Greetings from the... shmajo, Jun 17, 2013 -
Latest: hamb plymouth club. Rumblin Rolf, Nov 20, 2017
People who have Porter Mufflers on their rides! Or who want them and would like to join our group to discuss them with other enthusiasts.
- Discussions:
- 14
- Posts:
- 97
Latest: hey guys Darryl Deir, Feb 20, 2019 -
Stromberg 97 carburetors
This group is dedicated to the mighty Stromberg 97 (48's and 81's welcome also). Technical info on rebuilding, adjusting etc. Hopefully experts can chime in and give us the insight on the...
- Discussions:
- 30
- Posts:
- 81
Latest: Alky conversion Russ Gaylord Fontana, Oct 3, 2021 -
Traditional Only Group!
A group for only the 'Traditional' guys. What's traditional? It definitely doesn't include air bags and radials. Building cars the way our 'Founding Fathers' did it.
- Discussions:
- 50
- Posts:
- 140
Latest: New to the group Robert J. Palmer, Jan 19, 2015 -
Vintage Van-atics
Let's circle up all the sixties van owners on the HAMB! We've got a 61 Econoline.
- Discussions:
- 18
- Posts:
- 107
Latest: New guy , but not to Early... Slimegreeeeeen, Dec 29, 2014 -
~No Valve Covers Allowed~
Show Your flat head (any kinda flathead) Or just a cool photo of one put it here.
- Discussions:
- 58
- Posts:
- 173
Latest: New guy from Virginia whatdatruck83, Jun 22, 2014