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I have been enjoying the H.A.M.B. site since 10/7/2010. As a 68 y/o car guy, I am looking forward to sharing much info and entertaining situations with the rest of the world! My first hot rod, which I still have, was started in 1959, a 1924 T roadster pickup after watching the TV show, 77 Sunset strip. In 1962, a guy gave me a 1939 Ford pickup which I still drive and have used it to haul home the following basket cases: 1927 T roadster, 1928 A roadster pickup, 1932 Ford highboy, 1932 Ford 4 door and a 1949 Anglia. I still have all of these. My retirement will be spent working on these puzzles. I will be in my usual space, # 3086, at the Portland swap meet at the end of March 2011. Stop by and say "hi."Interact
Rust on your old Ford is like a kiss from mother nature. - Loading...