- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- August 8
- Location:
- El Paso, Texas
- Occupation:
- Profesional Slacker
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- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- August 8
- Location:
- El Paso, Texas
- Occupation:
- Profesional Slacker
- 1930 Model-A, '64 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport, '14 Volkswagon Jetta Wagnon TDI, !984 C-30 standard cab Dually
- Yakety-Yaks SFV, and Paso Del Norte El Chuco Town Texas
I love pink poodles!! Na, on second thought, maybe not. I don't really know what got me into customs and hot rods? My grandpa and his old photos' of cars he's had since the late forties probably had something to do with it though. Well, that and the pachucos I'd see cruising their bomb's around the El Rio Barrio when I would go visit mis abuelos.
I was first interested in the traditional bomb and low rider style, again probably due to my exposure as a little girl. However, growing older, and becoming disenfranchised with the stereotypical hommie bad attitudes, I have refined my taste in classic automobiles to the sub-genres' of dry lake's and vintage hot rods, as well as, kustoms and sleds. Now don't get me wrong. I absolutely still enjoy seeing a cool bomb or ranfla cruising mean and low. As a matter of fact, I own what is considered to most to be the quintessential bomb of choice amongst traditional low riders; the ever cool 1948 Chevy Fleetline Aerosedan. It's the one car I have managed to keep through out all my years of buying, trading, and selling cars.
I cannot say whether or not my tastes' will change again. Admittedly, hanging around my younger brother has allowed me to come to some appreciation of the Honda CRX tuner-sport cars that proliferate through out our nations metropolitan cities today. Now before I loose you, (whom ever might be reading this thus far), I will always prefer the classic styling, or car-chitecture, over modern day blah, hands down. However, there is something to be said of those young guys who take a $500 mid '80s Honda Crx and turn it into an asphalt burning street terror. After all, is that not just the modern day interpretation on the hot rod? Buy something cheap and old. Lighten it up by removing the unnecessary in hopes of gaining performance. And run the snot out of it, until it blows up or you wined-up jailed; or both.
Yes fellow fanatics, or more appropriately named, car-a-holics. There is room for us all in auto heaven. End of story.Interact
I used to be indecisive, but now, I'm not so sure?? Yep, a definite maybe?? - Loading...
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