Crankshaft Sid's Social Forums
Latest: hamb plymouth club. Rumblin Rolf, Nov 20, 2017
Metal Fabricators
If your into fabricating stuff, frames, fenders, floors, and custom stuff as well as sheetmetal pouding, bead rolling, and all around metal working, then join this group and be cooler than...
- Discussions:
- 51
- Posts:
- 393
Latest: English wheels hotrod--willys, Sep 20, 2016 -
Scandinavian HAMB'ers
A group for all Scandinavian HAMB'ers into traditional rod & kustom cars! If you are currently living in Scandinavia... or you are a Scandinavian living somewhere else in the world, join this...
- Discussions:
- 25
- Posts:
- 228
Latest: Post Photos El Topo, Jul 30, 2015 -
Surf and Drag Music
Group dedicated to reverb drenched surf and drag tunes. With or with out vocals (yikes!). Toss in some garage music too while you are at it!
- Discussions:
- 23
- Posts:
- 89
The Little Pages Tech Archive
This is a collection of technical articles from the pages of R&C, Rodding & Restyling, Car Craft, Customs Illustrated and all the rest. This is THE place to find vintage tech about how it was done...
- Discussions:
- 87
- Posts:
- 160
Latest: How to make nerf bar bumpers 46fatford, May 25, 2020 -
Traditional Kustom Cars
This is a group for everyone that is into traditional kustom cars mainly from the 40's and 50's! Scan your old dusty magazines and photo albums, and share photos and knowledge on the kustom cars...
- Discussions:
- 59
- Posts:
- 385